Chapter 15

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Chen's POV:

"Who are you?" she asked.

Wait... What?

Did she really just say that?

I felt like a huge, heavy rock just sunk to the pit of my stomach.

"It's me, Jongdae." I said unsure. Unsure of the entire situation, that is.

"Wait, doctor... Is this what I think it is?" Baekhyun said slowly in disbelief to the doctor.

"Nurse Choi, take notes please." Dr. Song said to the nurse as she quickly scribbled on her clipboard.

He turned back to face us, then he approached the confused patient laying on the bed.

"y/n, do you remember what happened?" he asked.

Y/n narrowed her eyebrows. "What? What happened? Why am I here anyway? Who are you people?" she said, her voice shaking.

"Y/n, calm down, it's alright. I'm your doctor, Dr. Song Sanghyun. This is your cousin, Byun Baekhyun and your friend, Kim Jongdae. Y/n, this afternoon, you had an accident at the beach."

She looked around the room and at all of us in utter confusion. "What happened?"

"You were swimming and you got caught in a strong tide and almost drowned."

"Wait, I almost drowned? You mean I almost died?" 

She was obviously shocked to hear this.

"Potentially, yes. However, me and a few other professionals were able to minimize the damage to your body. Unfortunately, not all damage could be covered. It appears the excessive amounts of water has caused your brain to swell up, resulting in a minor case of brain damage. It's affecting your memory so it seems."

"My memory?"


"Y/n-ah, do you remember me?" asked Baekhyun, holding her hand. 

Y/n looked like she wanted to yank her hand away, but she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

"Y/n-ah, please remember me..." Baekhyun's eyes swelled up a bit.

Y/n looked sad. "I'm sorry... I can't... I'm supposed to, aren't I?"

"Do you recognize Baekhyun at all?" asked Dr. Song. "Any vague memories?"

Y/n frowned and shook her head.

"But..." she began. "I remember you, kind of..." 

She pointed at me.

"But I don't remember your name. What was it again?"

I smiled and cleared my throat.

"Jongdae. Kim Jongdae." I said clearly. I felt a little bit happy.

"Oh... That's right... Jongdae.." she muttered to herself.

"What do you remember about Jongdae?" Dr. Song asked.

"Um..." she said, shutting her eyes. She was concentrating very hard. "I think we were friends for a long time. I think we were lab partners in high school or something like that... right?"

My face lit up. It was true!

I nodded. 

"You remember that? High school?" asked the doctor.

Y/n nodded. "What grade am I in now?"

"You are in your third year of college." Dr. Song said. "Tell me what else you remember. Anything."

"Um..." I could tell she was thinking hard. Baekhyun looked slightly sad. I patted his back.

"Errm..." She rubbed her head. "It hurts when I think."

"That's fine, that's fine. It's ok." said Dr. Song.


Dr. Song gave me and Baekhyun some alone time with y/n to help her remember some things and to fill her in on the things she didn't remember. Some things she remembered and said oh yeah! and some things were completely new to her.

Knock knock

Dr. Song slowly opened the door and came in.

"How's it going?"

"Not too bad. She's remembering some things." I said.

"Not that much though..." y/n said, disappointed in herself.

"It's ok, y/n. Progress is as good as it gets. You're doing absolutely great."

Dr. Song cleared his throat and approached us, reading over his clipboard.

"Alright, so I come with good news. After analyzing y/n's test results, the memory loss will not be permanent. With a few sessions with our memory specialist and therapist, we should be seeing some improvement with her memory."

He turned to me and Baekhyun and asked us if we could speak in private outside.

Outside, he went on: "Also, if you guys could remind her each day of some things she can't remember, that would do no harm. Just talk to her like you just did and hopefully she'll remember some more things. This is definitely going to be a gradual process that requires some patience."

"Yes, doctor." I said.

"If all goes well, her memory should be mostly restored, if not completely in two or three months. Fortunately, this is not a severe case of memory loss."

"I see. Thank you very much, doctor." 

We shook his hands.

"Absolutely. So, she'll definitely be staying with us for a few weeks so we can continue monitoring her. Anyone verified in close relation with her can stay with her overnight, if they want, and especially if the patient is comfortable with that. Just let any of us know."

Baekhyun and I looked at each other and nodded.

"That's all I have for now. I'll be back later to check up on her. If there's anything you need, please let us know." he said kindly.

"Yes, thank you, Dr. Song." I said, shaking his hand again. 

He left down the hallway.

Baekhyun turned to me. 

"So you're staying with her, right?" he confirmed.

I nodded. 

We went back inside the room. Y/n was watching the TV.

There was a silence in the room as we watched y/n peacefully watch the TV. I let out a big sigh and slightly smiled. I am so glad that she will be ok.

She is truly the most important being in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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