Chapter 12

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y/n's POV:

Jongdae and I are back to normal. We act like nothing happened. Sehun, too. He's been really cool about everything. I appreciate that.

Jongdae was at my place and we were eating lunch together. Baekhyun dropped by to join us.

Knock, knock!

"y/n-ah~ It's me!" he called. "Open the door, please."

"Jongdae, can you get it?" I asked, since he was closer to the door. 

He easily did so.

"You're not, y/n." said Baekhyun.

"No shit." said Jongdae.

Baekhyun let himself and placed a bag on the table. "I brought rice cakes! My grandma made them and wanted me to deliver some to you." 

"Oh really?" I said as I opened the bag. They smelled delicious. "Tell her I said thanks!"

"Yeah, yeah I will." He glanced over at Jongdae who casually continued to eat his lunch. "So, it looks like you guys are ok now."

Neither Jongdae or I said anything. It was still awkward to talk about, so we always avoided talking about it. It was easier to act like nothing happened.

"Mhm." mumbled Jongdae, cheeks full of rice.

Baekhyun grabbed a bowl of rice and sat next to me at the table, across form Jongdae. Jongdae got up and started walking towards the guest bathroom.

"Wait, are you going to bathroom?" I called after him.

He turned around and nodded. His cheeks were still full of food. He was chewing. 

"Don't use that one, it's broken. I haven't called maintenance yet. You can use the one in my bedroom."

"Ok." he mumbled. He seemed so nonchalant today.

Chen's POV:

I entered y/n's personal bathroom, which smelled like warm vanilla. I looked around and it seemed like everything was lightly scented. She kept her bathroom very clean.

I finished and washed my hands. I noticed that she didn't have a towel nearby at the moment. I opened the cabinets in the bathroom and looked for one. Opening and closing the cabinets, I knocked something over.

I bent down to pick it up. It was a small box of...

Birth control pills?

My eyes widened and I quickly set the box down. Holding it felt weird. What was y/n doing with birth control pills? A painful and unpleasant thought came to mind... Was she having... did she sleep with someone?

Sehun? My head ached a little thinking about it. Damn, that hurt. I have to stop thinking about this. It made me feel nasty and dirty.

I quickly dried my hands and put everything back in its place, especially the pills. I didn't want her finding out that I saw her pills. 

Walking out of her room, I passed by a laundry basket of her undergarments. Lacy... everything. Bras and panties... 

I ran out of that room. I was seeing more than I was supposed to in there and it made me feel like a pervert.

Walking back to the dining table, I was kind of shaken up, but I did my best to act as if I saw nothing.

I sat down. 

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