Chapter 1-The Lie

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She lets out a small sigh running her hand over her large rounded belly she smirks as the fresh country air blows through her beautiful long blonde hair she soon smiles feeling a pair of strong long tanned arms wrap around her waist "Morning."

She sighs as he places a kiss on her cheek "Mmm morning, I thought you had run off, hows our bubba?"

She swallows a small lump taking his hands into her own as she turned to face him, she couldn't do this anymore, she couldn't put him through any more lies or hurt, she didn't deserve him and he didn't deserve this "Dave, about the ba.."

She was soon cut off by a familiar figure entering the old Drovers kitchen the figure who used to hold and love her as she felt safe and secure in his arms with the eyes she could look into all day as she would get lost in his glance "Nick."

He smirks "Morning, Tess, Dave, was I interrupting something?"

Tess shakes her head dropping Daves hands "Ah no, what brings you here?"

He smiles "Last time I checked my brother lives here and I need a hand with our crop, if you're up for it."

She nods "Of course, will I meet you at your ute?"

He nods taking in her flowery summer dress and boots "And you're going like that?" Tess giggles "I'm pretty sure this is the most comfortable thing in my cupboard right now."

Nick nods "It's a nice dress and I'm pretty sure Claire is rubbing off on you."

She nods turning back to Dave "I'll see you later and we can talk."

He nods as she places a kiss on his cheek "Love you."

She smiles "I love you too."

He nods watching his girlfriend exit the kitchen with Nick.

Tess smiles opening her eyes as Nicks Ute comes to a stop out the front of his house "That was a quick trip."

Nick giggles "You slept the whole way."

Tess shrugs "Well you try being pregnant."

Nick smiles "No I think I'll leave that up to the woman of my dreams I'll soon meet."

Tess smiles as she feels her baby swim around in her belly "Hey little one."

Nick smiles "How's it feel?"

Tess smirks "Well to know I have created a little life with someone I love to know that in a month I'll have a little baby to hold and to have to call my own to finally touch their little hands and feet to look into their eyes and to know wether I'll have a little boy or girl is the best feeling of my life. But the heart burn, the hunger, the tiredness, the uncomfortableness and the back pain isn't the best."

Nick nods "Sounds great."

Tess nods taking Nicks hand as the same old tingles run through her body she smirks placing it on her belly "Do you feel that?" He smiles "That's incredible Tess."

She nods "It sure is."

He smiles "Well I guess we better get to it."

Tess nods dropping his hand "Yeah we better."

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