Chapter 11-Long Nights At The Hospital

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Tess lets out a small sigh as she enters her room with an unsettled Adam "Nick I don't know what's wrong, I've fed him and checked his nappy."

Nick nods climbing from his bed to Tess and a crying Adam "He feels a bit hot beautiful." Tess bites at her lip "Can you grab his thermometer?"

Nick nods heading to the kitchen as Tess follows "He'll be alright."

Tess nods as Nick takes his baby's temperature "I know, but he seemed fine this afternoon and at Drovers."

Nick nods "He can't be dehydrated and he's not hungry."

Tess nods "I know."

Nick nods as the thermometer gives out a beep "His temperatures a bit high."

Tess nods taking the thermometer "A bit, Nick help me get him out of this suit and please run a lukewarm bath for him."

Nick nods doing as Tess had asked "Tess he has a rash."

Tess blinks back the tears that wanted to fall as she takes in the rash that had spread over his chest she swallows a lump taking the phone into her hands "I'm gonna ring Claire."

Nick nods taking the phone from her trembling hand "I will."

Tess nods rubbing at her eye "He'll be alright, won't he?"

Nick nods dialling in a few numbers "Of course he will."

Tess nods "Maybe the lady in the pub was right."

Nick sighs as a loud dial comes through the phone "Tess, just stop worrying about her, you get so hung up on little things, Adam loves you and so do I, you've never been a Mother before, this is all a learning curve, and you're doing a pretty good job, this rash could be nothing, so just stop doubting yourself because your everything to me, I don't know how I ever lived without you, that lady in the pub was so wrong."

Nick nods as a small tired hello comes through the phone "Oh, Claire hello."

Claire sighs "Yes Nick? Why are you ringing at 11:00pm?"

Nick swallows a small lump "Adams sick, he has a temperature and a rash."

Tess sighs as a rush of vomit runs down her arm "And he's vomiting."

Nick nods "And he just vomited."

Claire nods "He could have been bitten by something or it could be a heat rash, but I suggest to take him to the hospital."

Nick nods "Ok, thank you Claire, we'll let you know any updates."

Claire nods "Ok."

Nick nods as he hangs up the phone "She said he could of been bitten by something or it could be a heat rash, but I'm gonna ring the hospital."

Tess nods "Ok, I'll check him for any bites."

Nick nods running his fingers over the buttons of the phone he sighs as a woman's voice comes through the phone "Hello, fisher hospital, how may I help you?"

Nick sighs "Ah, my son he's sick and he has broken out in a rash across his chest, my girlfriend is checking him for any bites."

The woman nods "Ok, well did you wanna bring him in, what's his symptoms?"

Nick sighs "A temperature and vomiting."

Tess bites at her lip "He's got a bite on his arm Nick, where the rash starts."

Nick nods "He's been bitten."

The woman nods "Ok sir; just bring him in, what was your name?"

Nick sighs "Ah Nick Ryan and we live 2 hours away."

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