Chapter 5-Mummy, Daddy I'm Here

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Nick lets out a loud sigh as he enters the hospital he swallows a lump pulling up a nurse "Ah, Tess McLeod?"

She smirks "Room 8, just down the hall."

He nods racing down the hall to her room as his stomach fills with a thousand butterflies of nerves and excitement he bites at his lip swinging the door open as she looks up to catch his glance "Nick."

He smirks taking her hand that was held out for him "Don't worry I'm here beautiful, thanks Claire."

She smirks "No problem."

Tess swallows a lump tightening her grip on his hand as another contraction came "Nick, it hurts."

He nods blinking back his tears as he hated seeing her in pain "I know beautiful, it's alright."

She nods as the contraction by passes "I just want it out."

Nick nods rubbing a hand through her hair "I know, I'm here it's alright."

She smirks "I love you."

He nods placing a kiss on her cheek "I love you too."

She smiles "I think I wanna sit down."

He nods as Claire and himself help her turn to sit on the bed "I'll go call the others."

Tess and Nick nod as Claire exits the room "I'm sorry Nick."

Nick sighs rubbing a hand down her back "For?"

Tess sighs "For dumping all this on you."

Nick shakes his head taking her hand "Yes right now our life together is running faster than it should be, but I love you and this little baby will just make us stronger as one as we will become a family, because I want this baby with you more than anything, I wanna be with you more than anything."

Tess smirks "Really?"

Nick smiles placing a kiss on her for head "Of course."

Tess smiles taking his hand as another contraction commences.

Nick smiles taking his baby from the small plastic crib into his arms to stop him from the small cry he gave out as he takes in every detail of his son once again he smirks moving to the window as the sun set behind the hills "I remember when Mummy and I used to watch the sunset set behind the hills and the wind would blow through her hair perfectly."

Tess giggles "I see my two boys are awake."

Nick smirks turning to her "Yeah, he was having a bit of a grizzle."

Tess nods as Nick places himself on the bed beside her "Hows Mummy?"

She nods "Good, but I wanna sleep for two days."

Nick giggles handing their baby to her "Like that's gonna happen."

Tess nods placing a kiss on her baby's for head "Isn't he perfect?"

Nick nods "He's got your nose."

Tess smiles "And your eyes."

Nick nods "So what are we naming little fish?"

Tess sighs "Well I was thinking maybe Adam after my brother and Garry after you, but if you wanna name him something else from your side its fine as he is your son so if you wanna name him aft..."

She was soon cut off from her babble of nerves as Nick places a kiss on her lips "Tess just stop for one second, Adam Garry is perfect."

Tess smiles "Really?"

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