Chapter 9-The Long Day Out

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Tess smiles opening her eyes as Nick brings his Ute to a stop at the fisher pub "Hey beautiful."

Tess smirks "That was a quick trip."

Nick giggles "You slept the whole way."

Tess giggles turning to look at her son "Looks like someone else did too."

Nick nods "He really loves those toys."

Tess nods taking in the dangling toys on his car seat "When he's not asleep."

Nick nods "He's too cute."

Tess smiles "Yeah, he's forming his own personality."

Nick nods placing a kiss on her lips "Ad least you now have two of me."

Tess giggles in between kisses "Yeah, now come on I'm hungry."

Nick nods pulling away as they both climb from the ute "I'll get him."

Tess nods taking his pram from the tray "Nick, I've been thinking maybe I should buy a new car, I mean when you're not home I can't just go out whenever I like and I can't keep borrowing the Drovers ute, yes I love my VW to bits but it's not very child friendly."

Nick smiles placing his baby into the pram "I think it's a great idea, we can look for one together, what do you want?"

Tess smirks "Ah maybe a Toyota I don't know."

Nick nods pushing his son into the pub "Well we can start looking."

Tess gives a small nod as they find a table and order their meals Nick smiles "Well I'm gonna use the toilet and order some drinks."

Tess nods as he leaves her with Adam Tess lets out a small sigh as an elderly lady is stopped in her tracks by the sight of Adams pram "This is no environment for a child."

Tess looks up from her hands to catch eye contact with the lady "Excuse me?"

The lady sighs "What Mother brings their baby into a pub, filled with smokers and drunks."

Tess swallows a lump "I'm just here to have a nice day out with my boyfriend and son as we don't get out much with our busy lives."

The old woman gives her a small snarl "You disgust me, as this poor baby lays asleep his lungs fill with smoke fumes."

Tess bites at her lip "Ah Miss the smokers are outside, now if you will excuse me I would like to get back to enjoying my day out."

The elderly woman smirks "You are a bad Mother, as you don't what's bad for your baby, he shouldn't be in this pub as it is no place for a little innocent baby, as you sit here and chuck a few back, you should be at home taking care of him, or off shopping for groceries or cleaning your house, as nobody else will do it, instead your here with your son waiting for your boyfriend to return to have a few more drinks and lunch, let me guess while he takes care of him, I bet your not even with his Father."

Tess swallows down the anger boiling inside of her body "Excuse me! But you have no idea who I am or where I come from, you don't know my story or even my name as I sit here minding my own business you just have to put your two cents in, as everybody else has so why not you too, I find I Mother my son quiet well day in and day out as he is happy and so am I, as I am sick of every person telling me how to be a Mother, I am sick of every one telling me what I'm doing wrong and right he's my son, and yes I am still with his Father and two I am not a drinking Mother as I would never feed milk that contained alcohol to my son, and you have no idea how I live or what state I live in, as me and my boyfriend share jobs out, and if you think only the woman should clean the house or go shopping, your still living in the eighteen hundreds, so please leave me and my son alone, as I wait for my boyfriend to return so I can hopefully get past this and enjoy the rest of my day. Thank you very much."

The elderly woman nods as Nick returns with two drinks "Is this a friend Tess."

Tess shakes her head as she blinked back the tears welling in her eyes "No this lovely lady, was just leaving."

The lady nods exiting the bar.

Nick sighs "You right?"

Tess sighs as a few tears fall "Just another person telling me how to be a Mother."

Nick nods moving to her side "You are a great Mother no matter what anyone says."

Tess nods "She called me a bad Mother, as I brought Adam in here, all I want is one easy day without someone telling me how to do it, she made me feel like dirt Nick like I wasn't good enough like I'm not trying hard enough, the last time I felt like this was when, was when your Mother told me I wasn't good enough."

Nick swallows a lump "Do you wanna skip lunch?"

Tess shakes her head "No."

He nods placing a kiss on her cheek "Your good enough, for me and Adam loves you."

Tess nods "Thank you, for everything."

He smiles returning to his seat as he takes her hand across the table "You'll always be good enough."

Tess nods as their dishes finally arrive.

Tess smiles down at her baby boy as she softly swings in the swing with him as he lets out a small babble she smirks turning her baby to face her as she digs her feet into the sand stopping the swing "Whos the cutest baby of them all, Mr Adam is, yes he is, wheres your smiles chubber, where are they? Hey, ah bub, bub, now whos a Daddys little boy in their little tractor suit, you are, yes you are, my handsome little boy."

Nick giggles placing himself in a swing beside Tess "Starting that baby talk again?"

Tess giggles "Admit it, tough Daddy over there you do it too."

Nick smirks "Hm."

Tess smirks "Well it's not all newspapers and farm machinery."

Nick smiles "Yeah that's right, none of this goochie goo, baby talk."

Tess nods "Oh yeah, i'm sure hey fishy."

Nick giggles taking his son "Hey little fish, my little country boy aren't you, yeah thats right you are."

Tess nods "No, no baby talk at all."

Nick smirks at the small gummy smile he receives as Tess glances at the two "Did he just smile?"

Nick shakes his head "Ah no, he was ah, gonna sneeze."

Tess nods "Oh right."

Nick smiles "Yep, you ready to go?"

Tess nods pushing the pram "Yep, who's driving?"

Nick smiles handing her the keys "You can, are we going home or just dropping into Drovers like this?"

Tess smirks "Ah well its 4:00pm now, so let's just stop at Drovers."

Nick nods following his girlfriend to the car.

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