Chapter 7-Happy Familys

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Tess smiles rolling over in her big old bed to an empty space beside her she smirks breathing in the scent from Nicks cotton blue pillows she sighs as the smell of his mixed shampoo, deodorant and cologne fills her nostrils a million goose bumps run onto her skin and her stomach flips a thousand times as she knew this was a true love, she smirks as their relationship had been going great for the past 3 months, as she had finally moved in with him and he makes her feel loved each and every day and safe as he takes her into his arms as she knew she had a shoulder to cry on she smirks being brought from her thoughts as a pair of arms wrap around her waist and small kisses are placed on her shoulder "Mmm morning."

Nick smiles "Morning my beautiful."

She sighs rolling over in his embrace "That's better, now I can look into your gorgeous eyes."

He giggles placing a kiss on her lips as fish lets out a cry Nick sighs pulling away climbing from the bed as he takes Adam from his bassinet "I swear every time we do that he crys."

Tess giggles as Nick hands Adam to her "Hey little guy, you just remind us your here."

Nick smiles as Tess begins to feed him "How could you forget he was here."

Tess smirks looking at her precious baby "I have no idea."

Nick nods placing a kiss on her cheek "Breakfast?"

Tess nods "Mm yes please."

Nick nods heading off to make breakfast.

Tess smirks entering the kitchen as Adam had finished feeding Nick smiles turning to her "He's gotten so big."

Tess nods "He sure is, is Daddy going to work today?"

Nick shrugs "Harry doesn't particularly need me, how about you?"

Tess sighs "Ah I can ring Claire, as we haven't had a day together since we had him."

Nick smiles taking the black cordless phone dialling in a few numbers "Hello, Drovers run, Claire speaking."

Nick smirks "Ah hello Claire, it's me Nick; ah sorry Tess won't be around today."

Claire nods glancing at the time with a small smirk "I figured, you two have fun and how's that adorable nephew?"

Nick giggles "Yeah he's still perfect."

Claire nods "Smiling yet?"

Nick shakes his head "Ah no."

Claire nods "Alright then, thanks for ringing, are you and Tess coming for dinner tonight?"

Nick nods "Alright and yeah I suppose it's boof heads birthday."

Claire nods "Alright cya."

Nick nods "Ok bye."

Tess smiles as he hangs up the phone "So, what are we gonna do?"

Nick shrugs "Hmm, we could go into Fisher and have lunch and go to the park."

Tess nods "Sounds good to me."

Nick nods placing a kiss on her cheek "Well you can go off for your shower and I'll change this little guy."

Tess smiles handing Adam to Nick "After breakfast."

Nick smirks "Of course."

Nick smiles down at his little boy as he changed his son into his new cute tractor jump suit "Hey little guy, now you can be a Daddy's boy, hey ah, bub, bub, bub, hey matey now you are a country boy, and you know it, yes you d..."

Nick was soon cut off from the gummy smile he receives as he smiles back at his son "Wow little guy, don't tell Mummy."

Nick giggles at the small baby babble he receives "Come on; let's go see if your Mummy's finished in the shower."

Tess smirks entering the kitchen to her two boys reading the newspaper and Nick explaining every tractor or piece of farming equipment to Adam "Well I see you two are ready."

Nick smirks looking up at Tess dressed in a simple flowery summer dress and her hair wrapped up in a towel "Have I ever told you how breathtaking you are."

Tess smiles "Nick stop it."

Nick shakes his head "No, Tess I'm serious, the happiness you carry is contagious as you carry your beautiful glow where you go and your eyes shine like the stars in the night sky, I have never loved someone as much as I love you, just thinking about you makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. As every day I just wanna come home to you and Adam, because you make me feel lively and since I've been with you, I am no longer the kid in that hospital that nobody wants or loves."

Tess smiles swallowing a hard lump that gathered in her throat "Nick, I have always loved you, and to me you where never a kid in that hospital bed or just a man with a bung leg, I see past all that to what really matters which is what's in your heart, and not only the love and happiness you bring to me, but also our little Adam."

Nick smiles as Tess approaches him "That's why where so perfect Tess, we make each other happy, there's no more hurting when where together, as we both have been through so much, you where scared of love and I was scared no one would love me, but together we changed each other to believe in love once again."

Tess smiles as Nick pulls her into his side "Yeah, we are pretty perfect aren't we, as a bad day turns good once where together."

Nick nods "Yeah."

Tess smirks taking the towel from her head "Well I better go get my hair done and sandals on, so we can go."

Nick nods letting her from his embrace as she heads off to do her hair.

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