Chapter 13-New Adventures

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Claire smirks as she enters the hospital with her husband today they would finally see their little baby Alex swallows a lump spotting two familiar figures "Claire, its Tess and Nick."

Claire nods signing the few papers that where set out for her "Let's just take a seat and not worry"

Alex nods as they both take a seat as their siblings sign Adam out of the hospital hoping they wouldn't see them, Alex soon lets out a small sigh as their siblings approach them "Morning."

Claire smiles "Oh morning."

Nick smirks "Fancy seeing you two here."

Alex nods "Yeah." Tess nods "So why are you here, Charlotte doesn't need her needles for another two weeks and where here making our way out."

Claire smiles looking at her husband as he gives her a small nod "Nick, Tess, where having a baby." Tess and Nick both smile as they pull their siblings into a hug congratulating them.

Claire smiles "But no telling the others, not until we know he's ok."

Tess and Nick both give a small nod "Of course, I guess we will see you at home?"

Alex nods "Yeah, so what was wrong with him?"

Nick sighs "A scorpion bit him."

Claire sighs "Really, poor bubba."

Tess nods "Ooh yeah, but someone knows how to give us a heart attack."

Tess giggles at the small gaggle she receives in return "Yeah, that's right you, my little bubby."

Nick smiles down at his fiancé "Well where gonna head off any way."

Claire and Alex give a small nod as their younger siblings exit the hospital.

Nick smirks over at his fiancé singing at the window he sighs taking in how perfect she really was, from her hair flowing down her shoulders to how beautiful her frame fitted in that dress, he couldn't believe he finally had her in his life, now he was planning to spend his life with her, he was finally happy he lets out a small giggle skipping to the next song as she gives him a blunt look "Hey I was listening to that."

Nick giggles "I know."

Tess shakes her head "I really like this dress."

Nick smiles "It looks beautiful."

Tess smiles glancing at her hand "Nick Ryan's, my fiancé."

Nick nods "Well wifey, last time I checked."

Tess giggles placing a kiss on his cheek "Wifey?"

Nick nods "That's just what I'm gonna call you when were married."

Tess nods "Right, so we need to set a date."

Nick nods "Next month, a simple wedding with our closest friends and family, you will wear a beautiful white dress, Claire will be your maid of honour as Becky and Jodes will be your bridesmaids, Alex will be my best man having little Charlotte as your flower girl and Adam out Paige boy."

Tess smiles "You really have planned this out, haven't you?"

Nick nods "Of course I have Tess, I often sit around imaging our special day, as you will wear that beautiful smile and my stomach will flip a thousand times as you make your way to me, because I wouldn't care if you wore a hessian sack as long as your my wife by the end of the day."

Tess giggles "Well I'll make sure to find a white hessian sack."

Nick giggles taking her hand into his own "I don't think they come in white."

Tess giggles as a comfortable silence falls over the two.

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