Chapter 2-Telling Dave

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Tess sighs letting out a small yawn as she enters the old Drovers homestead to Dave with a bunch of flowers "Hey beautiful."

Tess smirks "Hello."

He smiles handing her the flowers "For you my darling."

Tess swallows a lump with a small sigh "Thank you."

Dave gives her a look of confusion "Don't you like them?"

Tess smirks "Dave, I love them, I just don't deserve them."

Dave nods "Of course, of course you do."

Tess shakes her head placing the flowers down taking his hands "Dave, I don't becau..."

She was cut off from Dave placing a kiss on her lips "Tess you do."

She shakes her head "Dave, just listen to me! I don't deserve these, because I've been putting you through so much hurt and pain and a few lies, I love you I really do, but I just can't do this anymore."

Dave swallows a lump "What? Tess, but where having a baby."

Tess shakes her head "Dave, the baby it's not yours, I'm sorry I'm so sorry."

Dave nods as a few tears fall from her eyes "Its Nicks isn't it."

Tess nods as he pulls her into his embrace "I'm sorry Dave, I'm so, so sorry."

Dave nods "Tess I love you."

Tess swallows a lump looking into his eyes "Dave I can't do this, Nick is who I wanna be with, today at the farm for the first time Nick felt his baby move I could see in his eyes that he still loves me and I got that old tingly feeling and I don't wanna run from it anymore."

Dave nods letting Tess fall from his embrace "I'll just grab my bag and i'll be gone."

Tess nods exiting the kitchen to find her sister in the horse yards "I told him."

Claire nods turning to her sister "And?"

Tess swallows a lump "We've broken up, I can't lie any more Claire to him or Nick or even myself."

Claire nods rushing over the railings to her sisters side "Well i'm glad you've figured out yourself on what to do."

Tess nods "Well I might have a shower and try to feel human again."

Claire nods "So dinner plans with Nick any time soon?"

Tess smiles "Maybe in a few weeks." Claire nods "Alrighty then, come on."

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