Chapter 4-Its Time

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Tess lets out a small sigh rolling over on Nick's comfortable black couch once again as the sun shone through the window waking her from the peaceful sleep she was in she smirks to the cold hands running over her bare belly "Morning my little bubba."

Tess lets out a giggle looking down at two innocent green eyes "Morning."

He smiles placing a kiss on her belly as he pulled down her simple white shirt taking her hand into his own to place a kiss on it "Morning, now before you say a word, I know why you didn't tell me, I was with Sally and you where with Dave and you didn't wanna hurt him and you didn't wanna be a home wrecker."

Tess nods as he places a kiss on her lips "And, I really, really, really am sorry, that I love you and didn't realise sooner."

Tess giggles returning his kisses "Well I love you too."

Nick smiles "Would you like some breakfast my darling?"

Tess shrugs "So you're not worried I just suddenly dropped this on you."

Nick smirks "There were many days I wondered if the baby was mine Tess."

Tess nods as he places a kiss on her cheek "So I guess this is it, where actually gonna be together again."

Nick nods "Let's make it work this time, do you want a nice long hot bath?"

Tess smiles "Ooh, yes please."

Nick nods "I'll be at your service."

Tess giggles rising from the couch as a sharp pain enters her back "Ow."

Nick gives her a look of confusion "You ok beautiful?"

Tess nods "Yeah, it's just my back."

Nick nods "The bath will do it good."

Tess smiles "Yeah, are you off to work today?"

Nick nods "After you take your bath and I cook breakfast."

Tess smiles "Well I'll just get my things for that bath."

Nick smiles as they head off in their own directions.

Nick smiles pulling up at one of the old Killarney fences where his brother stood fixing it "Morning."

Alex smirks "Morning, you seem chummy."

Nick nods taking the strainer for his brother "Yeah, Tess and I had dinner together last night."

Alex nods "Yeah Claire said something about Tess having big dinner plans, what about the baby?"

Nick sighs "Its mine, that little life growing inside of the love of my life is in fact mine." Alex nods "You lucky bastard." Nick nods "Yeah, it's finally happening Alex."

Alex smirks "All in one."

Nick smiles taking the pliers "Yep, really I wouldn't have it any other way, so what's it like being a Dad?"

Alex smiles "Well even if Charlotte isn't mine it doesn't matter because I know I'll always be her Dad, but its bloody fantastic when their little eyes light up the second they see you and then that cute little smile smashes onto their face it melts your heart knowing you have done something right."

Nick nods "I can't wait to know if it's a boy or girl."

Alex smiles "Surprises are always better."

Nick smiles "Well this baby is a complete surprise, when are you and Claire gonna have another one?"

Alex smiles "Soon enough."

Nick smiles taking the post slammer "Let's get this fence done."

Tess smiles climbing from Nicks couch after her long nap she lets out a small sigh of happiness breathing in the fresh cool calm country air that filled the room from the windows she smirks entering the kitchen for a glass of orange juice as her life was fantastic she lets out a small sigh taking the juice from the fridge but it soon slips from her hand as a sharp pain enters her stomach "Ow."

She lets out a sharp breath managing to exit the kitchen before another rush of pain enters her stomach "Ow, what is it litt..."

She was soon cut off to a knock on the door she lets out a small sigh making her way to it but she is soon stopped in her tracks from another rush of pain as she screams out in pain she swallows a lump to the familiar voice "Its open, please help."

She turns her attention to the opening door "Claire, help please."

Claire sighs rushing to her sister's side "Oh sweetie, are you alright?"

Tess swallows down her pain "I think I'm in labour."

Claire nods "I would think, come on let's get you to the hospital."

Tess nods wrapping her arm around Claire's shoulder.

Nick sighs as he wipes the sweat beads from running down his face "We nearly done mate?"

Alex nods "Yeah, someone's eager to get home."

Nick sighs "I'm just a bit worried about Tess."

Alex nods "She'll he alright mate."

Nick nods "Yeah but she wasn't too go..."

He was soon cut off from the dial of his phone "Hello, Nick speaking."

He smirks to the familiar voice "Yes Claire."

Claire sighs "Nick, Tess is in labour."

Nick nods "What now? Where is she?"

Claire giggles "Nick calm down, were at the hospital."

Nick nods "Alright, well I'm on my way."

Claire smiles "Alright cya Nick."

Nick nods hanging up his sat phone "Tess is having the baby mate, now."

Alex lets out a small giggle to his brother speeding off in his ute.

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