Chapter 10-Happy Birthday Alex

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Claire smiles welcoming Harry and Liz through the door as they had finally arrived for dinner "Welcome, Harry Alex is out the back and Liz you can stay here or go out too."

Liz smiles as her husband moves out to the veranda "I'll just stick in here with you, Tess and Nick coming?"

Claire smirks "Ah yeah, they should be here soon and the girls are heading up as well."

Liz smiles "Oh little Adam isn't he just adorable, looks very much like Nick."

Claire nods "Oh yes he is adorable, Tess is a good Mum too."

Liz nods "I value her option to tell Nick, although she left it quiet late, I have seen how she loves my son and grandson, as I used to see her as a threat, but now she's just part of the family as she has made Nick feel loved and no longer like the small teenager who spent his years in hospital, as she sees past that unlike some woman he had met, because she only cares for what is in the inside."

Claire smiles "Yeah, that's my sister."

Liz nods as her son, Tess and Adam enter the kitchen "Sorry where late, we got side tracked in town."

Liz smiles taking Adam from his pram "Hello little man."

Tess smirks "Sorry I haven't been around for a while."

Liz shakes her head "Tess its fine, I should come make an effort to see you."

Tess nods "Well you're welcome any time."

Liz nods "Thank you Tess."

Tess smiles "Your welcome."

Claire nods "Nick, Alex and your Dad are out on the veranda."

Nick nods heading outside as Tess lets out a small sigh "How was everybody's day?"

Claire smiles trying to contain her excitement from the news she had "It was good, yours?"

Tess smiles "Good, until Nick and I were in the pub and an elderly lady stopped in her tracks telling me how to do my job and telling me I'm not good enough."

Liz nods "Everybody thinks they know it all Tess, don't worry about them ok, you're a good Mother I have seen you with Charlotte and now you're a Mother too your own son and you do an exceptionally good job, as he is happy day in and day out."

Tess smirks "Thanks Liz, but that's why he still hasn't smiled."

Claire smiles "He will when he's ready, Tess, you're a good Mother, Adam loves you and so does Nick, as you are good enough for all of us as we all love you, you went out to enjoy your day and did you? As you haven't been out with Nick since he was born."

Tess nods "Yeah I guess I did enjoy my day, Nick made it a whole lot better."

Liz nods "Well don't get beat up about it, as you do what you think is right for Adam he is your son."

Tess smiles as the three men enter the kitchen for a beer "Yeah I know, thank you both."

Nick smiles wrapping his arm around her waist "Still beating yourself up over that woman?"

Tess sighs "A little."

Nick smirks placing a kiss on her cheek "Well don't."

Tess nods "Yeah I know."

Nick nods as his son lets out a grizzle "And I think someone's hungry."

Tess nods taking her baby "I'll just go feed him."

Nick smirks "Call me if you need anything."

Tess nods as she heads up to her old room.

Claire smirks as her small family gathers around for the small get together she had organised for her husband's birthday, as she was so happy and proud of them all. She smiles standing from her chair "Thank you all for coming to have dinner for this special day, as you all make me so proud to call us a family, as Alex is the big 25, yep that's right honey half way to 50."

They all let out a small giggle as Claire continues "But I thank you Alex as over the past two years you have loved both me and Charlotte and I know you will continue to love me each and every day, as I stand here to share another one of his birthdays, so heres to Alex happy birthday my gorgeous man."

They all smile continuing with their meal.

Alex smiles as a familiar figure slides into bed beside him he places a small kiss in her hair as she rests her head on his chest "Happy birthday Alex."

He smiles caressing her arm "Thank you beautiful, best birthday ever."

Claire smiles as he places a hand on her belly "Hey little baby, I'm your Daddy."

Claire smirks "I've booked an appointment for tomorrow afternoon."

Alex smiles "Charlotte will be a proud big sister."

Claire nods "So any word of a big engagement?"

Alex giggles "No, but he wants to spend his life with her."

Claire nods "Well it's a bit late to leave now."

Alex nods with a small smirk "I hope we have a boy."

Claire smirks "Just as long as their healthy, I don't care what we have."

Alex smirks "Yeah, good night beautiful."

Claire smiles as she closes her eyes "Good night Alex, happy birthday my gorgeous." Alex gives a small smirk as they both fall into a dreamless sleep.

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