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SL: Okay just...RUN! Run! Don't read this! I made Ray cry!

RK: I sobbed so hard when I first read this! I was so frick'n upset! I literally sobbed into a pile of damn tissues! It hurt so much man!

(Warning: This one has sensitive themes. Tread carefully, as it's not for the feint of heart.)


Pyrrah groaned as she opened her eyes, dazed and confused, her head spinning as she looked around. Everything was blurry for a while, but gradually came into focus. She looked around and couldn't recognize the room "W-where am I?"


She turned her head quickly to the owner of the voice, frowning as a dark-haired hybrid walked towards her. "Goylang? What are you-" She gasped, trying to move, but found herself chained to the wall. "W-What?! Goylang! Get me out of this!"

The dragon huffed. "Oh, I don't think so Pyrrah."

"What do you mean?! Unchain me at once!"

He huffed, rubbing at his neck over a nasty scar. "You know, the alpha had accepted my request to mate with you. And you know I could have taken you. I am the strongest dragon in our clan, under the alpha himself. But then went and disgraced yourself."

"I fell in love! What is so hard for you all to understand?!" she growled, pulling on the chains. but the dragon bindings held her tight.

Goylang laughed. "Sun dragons do not love. They claim. And while you may think you are untouchable, you are wrong. And I will make sure you do your duty to the noble dragon line."

She growled at him, keeping her eyes on him as he stood before her. "What are you talking about?"

"Did you think I caught you by chance? That I chose this moment to strike randomly?" he asked, reaching out to stroke his talons through her long hair. "That it was just luck? No, Pyrrah, no. I've been planning this for a very long time."

She glared at him as he touched her, tilting her head as far away as she could manage. "Get your hands off me!"

"Maybe you don't realise it yet, Pyrrah, but there is a reason you were flying back to that disgusting human land so fast. Why were you so desperate to get there?" He moved a little closer, his breath hot against her face. "You're about to go into heat."

Her face flushed at the words, still trying to get away. "Liar."

"No, I'm more than certain of it. You're showing all the signs. I'd say, tomorrow? Maybe the day after, but certainly very soon. Soon enough for me to make you suffer for what you did to me before I make sure you do your duty."

Her heart dropped, suddenly working out what 'duty' he was talking about. "You can't..."

"Oh, but I can." He grinned, gripping her chin and making her look at him. "You see, you may call yourself 'mated'. You may say that...stupid human I was so close to killing, is yours...but deep down, you know he could never be...because he's human."

"I am his! You can't make me do anything! It's against the laws!" she screamed, terrified.

His talons moved from her chin to her neck, squeezing tight until blood began to flow from under his talons. "I can. I have read the laws. It clearly states that a dragon is mated once taken by another dragon. You are not mated in the eyes of our laws! So...I can still claim you. And as soon as you go into heat, I will ensure you carry my child!" He tightened his grip a little more, making her turn and face him. "And if you do anything to hurt it...then that Variant scum of yours will die too!"

The Dragon Prince: A Dumb Lump and Salty DragonWhere stories live. Discover now