Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning and glanced at the clock, 7:30AM. I knew my brothers weren't awake yet so I got up to cook breakfast. That was a rule in our house, first to get up makes breakfast, second washes the dishes, third dries them, and fourth puts them away.

I changed into jeans and a plain black t-shirt and pulled my thick hair into a high ponytail. I even used a little hair grease to slick down the loose hairs. Then I went to the living room to see if anyone else was asleep on the couch. Darry always left the front door unlocked in case any if the guys needed a place to crash, so we never knew who we would find come morning. Two-Bit's mother was concerned about our safety. But really, four greasers who slept with switchblades on their bedside tables didn't have much to worry about.

I peeked into the room and to my surprise, Dally was passed out on our couch. Now, I've always been able to find the most amusing ways to annoy the boys. Well, amusing for me anyway.

Dally's POV
All I wanted was a place to crash. Simple ask, right? Went to a party, got drunk, and didn't feel like stumbling all the way back to my room at Buck's place, so I passed out on the Curtis' couch. I should have known better, honestly. 

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder and whispering frantically, "Dally, Tims' at the door askin' for you, and he's really pissed. What the hell did you do?" 

"I ain't done nothin!" I shouted, lurching to my feet and sticking my head out the front door, "Listen Tim, I don't know what you're telling people but I-" By the time I realized that Tim wasn't there and turned back around, Winnie was giggling so hard that she plopped herself down on the floor. "I can't believe you fell for that again!" she gasped, clutching her sides. 

Man her smile was gorgeous. Stop it Dallas

"You're an asshole, Winnie, you know that?" I mumbled, faking irritation.

"Yes. Morning Sleeping Beauty!" she said perkily. She still had that mischievous smile on her face. 

"How are you so happy in the morning?" I grumbled.

She laughed, "Come on Dal, you know I hate mornings, I happen to know that you do too!" She had finally chilled out a bit and sprang to her feet. "Come on, breakfast," she said, walking towards the kitchen.

I stood there for a moment and watched her walk away. As irritating as Winnie could be at times, there was something special about her, something that made me love her. I shook my head to get rid of the thought before I followed her. She was way too good for me after all, and my buddies' sister to boot.  

Winnie's POV
Dally reacted just like I thought he would, and his husky morning voice was super cute.

As I headed to the kitchen I glanced back and caught something different in his eyes, something besides the drowsy irritation that had been there moments before. I shook it off, trying not to let Johnny's thoughts from the night before get to my head. 

Dally followed me into the kitchen and watched me make eggs and bacon. He was looking over my shoulder while I made coffee and I felt his hand brush my hip. I turned and looked at him and he just stared into my eyes, expression unreadable. We stood there for a while, just looking into each other's eyes. Until Soda barged in asking if food was ready. Brothers ruin everything.

While the boys did the dishes I went to my room and tossed on my DX button up over my tee and slipped on some Converse high tops. 

"Bye boys, don't get in too much trouble and stay out of the cooler!" I shouted as I ran out the door. Soda and Darry were already waiting for me. 

"Love you too, Sis!" Dally called after me. 

"Liar!" I shouted over my shoulder, smiling to myself as I climbed into Darry's work truck. My brothers raised an eyebrow. "I don't want one word from either of you."

Nothing really interesting happened at work, well, beyond the Socs that came by for gas and tried to flirt when they came in to pay. That was pretty normal, which is why Soda always left the door between the shop and the garage open when I was working.

Darry picked the three of us up after work, Steve and Soda hopping into the bed of the truck while I climbed into the cab. The two of left soon after we got home, and Ponyboy and Johnny had already been gone for a while. I hung my DX shirt back up, and fixed my hair up a bit. 

"Come on Darry! Why cant I go? I have a blade," I whined.

"No Winnie, I don't care if you have a blade, you are not walking around alone at night," Darry said without interest.

"But Darry-"

All of a sudden Two-Bit stuck his head in the front door, "Hey, y'all!" He sounded drunk. But he always sounded drunk, that was just TwoBit.

I smirked at Darry, "Hey Two, you goin' to the nightly double?"

"Thinkin' bout it, wanna come with?"

I turned to my older brother, "See? I wont be alone and we both have blades."

"Fine," Darry sighed, "Be home by eleven."

"Don' worry Darry," Two-Bit slurred, trowing an arm around my shoulders "I'll take care of our little girl."

"You're so full of shit Matthews," Darry grumbled, "Now get going before I change my mind." 

I ducked under Two-Bit's arm and made my way out the door, "Bye Darry!"

"Ya, so full of shit, Matthews," I mimicked, elbowing him in the ribs as we started making our way down the street. 

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