Chapter Eleven

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It was finally Friday afternoon. School had been miserable all week, full of avoiding confrontations with Socs and getting the cold shoulder from just about everyone but the gang. The one upside was that Dally picked me up from school on Thursday.

I walked out of the building into the chilly air. I heard a loud honk and looked around to see Dally pull up in his car. I walked over and leaned over to look through the window. "Never thought i'd see you back in this ol' place, Dal," I teased, leaning my arm against the top of the car.

"Thought you might like a ride," he replied smoothly, "Plus, you never seem to object to seeing my face."

I laughed, "You know what Dallas, I kinda like your face, it's grown on me." I opened the door and got into the car with him. It was a fun ride home. We joked and laughed, it was the most fun I had all week, besides dinner with the guys on Sunday.

But now it was Friday, and my spirits were sinking lower than ever. There was still no word from Ponyboy and Johnny and the police were still searching high and low for them. 

I sat on the front porch smoking a cigarette trying to calm my nerves. I used to never smoke, but it had quickly become a habit. I had nicked a couple from Soda when he wasn't looking then started lifting them from the convenience store down the street. Johnny wasn't around any more to calm me down and my anxiety was running high. Smoking kept me from lashing out at the boys, for the most part anyway. I still argued with Darry quite a bit but he knew better than to get me real angry right now when I was this distressed.

I looked up and saw Dally drive up in his car and jump out. He sauntered over to me. Tossing my cigarette into the dirt, I crushed it with the heel of my shoe. 

Dally gave me a concerned look, "Alli I thought you didn't smoke." 

He must have been too drunk last night to realize he himself had offered me a cigarette.

"Times Change, Dal," I sighed, "Times change."

He sat down next to me and let out a deep breath, "Allison..."

"Don't even try Dally."

"Fine," he sighed, holding out his hand. I pulled the box out of my pocket and held it out to Dally. He took a cig and handed another to me. I put it between me teeth while he pulled out a match and lit his then mine. "These things ain't good for you," he murmured.

"No shit."

"C'mon," he said, standing up, "Let's go cause some trouble."

I smiled as I got up and followed him, "You know me so well Dallas."

We walked down to the DX where Soda and Steve worked fixing cars. When we walked in Soda was behind the counter rocking out to Elvis on the radio, using his wrench as a mic. He didn't even notice us walk in. I grinned at Dally and snuck over to the counter and flipped off the radio.

"Hey!" Sodapop shouted, spinning around to see us standing there.

"Hey yourself," I smirked, leaning against the counter. "So, where's idiot number two?"

Steve walked in through the door from the garage, "Soda what are you hollering about?"

"Ah, there he is."

Steve gave me a confused look. I covered my mouth to try to suppress my giggling. But to no avail, Steve charged at me and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Soda, Dally, save me!" I shrieked.

"If you want her come and get her!" Steve laughed, bolting through the door to the garage. He dodged around the cars in the garage with Dally and Soda on his heels.

"Steve Randal put me down this instant!" I shouted, pounding on his back with my fists.

He suddenly stopped and dropped me in the backseat of a convertible, "If you say so!"

I rubbed my head where it had bumped the seat, "You and Soda really gotta stop tossing me around like a rag doll," I muttered irritably. 

Idiots one and two laughed as they got to work on another car. 

"But you are a doll," Dally said smoothly as he lifted me up out of the car. 

My heart stopped. A what? Dallas Winston called me a WHAT?  It drove me absolutely crazy when he sweet talked me like that. I could never tell if he acted like that because I was like his little sister or if he really had feelings for me. I tried hopelessly to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

We stuck around and bugged the guys for a while longer before we headed into town. We hung around the local shops and terrorized the locals for a few hours. When a fight broke out at the Dairy Queen and blades were pulled, we decided to call it a day and beat it outta there before the cops showed. Greasers never mess around when the red and blue lights start blazing. The name Curtis didn't need any more news coverage.

I kicked a rock as we strolled past the vacant lot, the sun was tarting to go down. I sighed, "They fell asleep here just a week ago, it feel more like a year."

"Listen Allison," Dally said as we walked up to my house, "I know you miss them and-" He looked around and pulled me over to the side of the house. "And I know this is hard for you, but I promise you, I will make sure they are safe," he assured, looking into my eyes.

"How can I know you're telling the truth?" I asked tearfully.

"Alli I..." he trailed off. I noticed his eyes were no longer looking into mine, but at my lips. I also noticed that the distance between us had all but disappeared. 


Suddenly Dally's lips were crashing into mine. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. My lips melted into his as he cupped my cheek gently in his hand. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his body as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I couldn't count the number of times I had imagined kissing Dallas Winston. This...this was so much better.

"Wow..." I whispered breathlessly when we pulled apart. 

Dally grinned sheepishly, "I'm sure glad you didn't punch me for that."

"Awww why would I do that?" I asked sweetly.

Dally laughed, "Fighting back kinda seems to be your thing."

"Wanna test that theory?" I smirked.

"Maybe..." he trailed off, leaning towards me.

We jerked apart when we heard the front door open and someone step out onto the porch. "ALLISON..."  I heard Darry call.

"I'm coming, i'm coming," I murmured, Darry wasn't expecting a reply anyway. That was just how my brothers let me know it was time to come home, they don't like me being out after dark by my lonesome.

"Guess that means you need to get going," Dally whispered.

"Nah, I got a minute," I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Dally shook his head, "I don't want them to worry about you." I rolled my eyes at him. "C'mon don't do that."

"Fine," I muttered.

"That's my girl," he chuckled. Dally gently kissed my forehead. "I love you Allison Curtis," he breathed against my skin. 

"I love you too, Dallas Winston." 

He squeezed my shoulders before he turned away and headed off around the back of the house so he wouldn't be caught by my brothers. I couldn't help but smiling to myself as I walked up the porch steps and into the house.

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