Chapter Fourteen (Dally)

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It was afternoon by the time I got to Windrixville. I felt bad for just leaving Allison, but I had to come check on the boys to make sure they were doing okay. I grinned as I reminded myself that I would be back to Allison by tomorrow. She'll be happy to get word from the boys.

I didn't see anyone at first when I walked through the front door of the church. But then I spotted a blonde haired kid asleep in the corner. Looking closer, I smirked as I recognized him as Ponyboy. I walked over and nudged him with my foot.

"Glory kid, you look different like that," I commented.

He rolled over and drowsily stared at me for a minute before he recognized me. "Dally!" he yelled, jumping up.

Just then Johnny came running in through the back door, looking panicked. "Dally!" he grinned, relieved it was just me.

"How ya been Johnnycake?" I grinned, messing up his hair. "Hey, what's with Sleepin' Beauty?"

"Aww Dal," Ponyboy whined, "I just smoked too much, that's all, sleepin' it off. Anyways, How's Soda? Are the cops still looking for us? What about Darry? And Allison?"

"Woah, woah, slow down kid. Hey, and I've got a letter for you," I interrupted.

Ponyboy cocked his head to the side, "Who from?"

"The President of the United States, he wants you at the White House for dinner," I rolled my eyes, "No! It's from your brother, Sodapop, stupid." I pulled the slightly crumpled piece of paper out of my back pocket and pushed it into his hand. He went off to read it and I turned to Johnny. "How's it been going?"

He shrugged, "After this I ain't eating bologna ever again."

I rolled my eyes again, "Hey, at least you've been eating."

"Hey Dal, how is Alli doing? She ain't mad at me, is she? For k-killing that Soc? And running off?" he asked worriedly.

"Honestly kid," I said, clapping him on the shoulder, "I'm surprised she didn't get to him first."

Johnny gave me a confused look, "What's that mean?"

"Alli never told you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Johnny was Allison's best friend, surely she would have told him by now. But Johnny just shook his head no. "You ever wonder why, after those guys jumped you, she was one of the first to get to the lot but she got home a long while after the rest of y'all did?" At that point Pony had finished reading his letter and was now listening intently.

"Well, after I realized Allison never made it back to the house with the rest of us, I went looking for her. Found her wandering the neighborhood all on her lonesome. She had her switchblade, Allison was looking to confront whoever had beat you up, might've killed him if she had managed to get a hold of him. I managed to get her to snap out of it and get her home, but she was mighty riled up," I finished.

"Damn," Ponyboy swore, "I never knew about that."

I shrugged, "Because Allison probably didn't want you to know, she was ashamed." I remembered that night clear as day. There was so much pain in her eyes that someone had dared to hurt her best friend.

Johnny looked like he was about to be sick, "I never knew I had driven her to do that."

"No, Johnny, it wasn't your fault. He had it coming" I sighed, resting my hand on the kid's shoulder.

"Come on, let's go get some grub."

I couldn't understand why, but Pony and Johnny didn't seem to like my driving. I was only going about 80 down that dirt road.

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