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Hi wow holy shit it's been a while.

So...i initially finished this story when i was a 16 year old high school sophomore...and now i'm a 22 year old who just graduated college with a degree in WRITING...soooo...times change fr fr

Things really are a lot different for me now than they were when i was first working on this story. But, one thing that is unfortunately the exact same about me is my nasty habit of killing off beloved characters and just generally toying with my reader's (and my own!) feelings. Genuinely sorry about that! But, basically, in the last year or so i wrote a Merlin fanfic (which currently lives in my google docs and won't be posted unless yall really want it?) that was SO FRICKIN SAD. Like, a new level of sad even for me, which is SAYING SOMETHING, to the point that i had to write an alternative happy ending for it because i was depressing myself too much.

And lately, Sissy and the gang have really been on my mind. Idk why honestly. But, I got to thinking of what it would be like if things didn't end so sad for her and her boys...

So, in a rare stroke of humanity, i'm offering you an alternate happy ending where EVERYONE LIVES. Enjoy, my lovelies. ;)


"Marry me?" he managed with a stupid smirk. I looked down and saw Dally's ring sparkling in the palm of my hand.

That's when Dallas Winston breathed his last breath, and my whole world ended.

I awoke with a scream.

Sitting straight up in bed, I looked wildly around the room for a moment and remembered where I was. I placed my hand over my pounding heart and took a steadying breath. It's okay, it's okay, it's all okay, I reminded myself.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Sissy?" Darry's voice called.

"I'm fine, Dar," I replied.

He opened the door and stuck his head in. "Same nightmare?" he asked.

"Same nightmare," I nodded, running my hands through my hair.

"Need anything?"

"No," I said throwing off my blankets. "I'm just going to shower and get ready."

"Right, it's the big day," he grinned, "I'll be in the kitchen making a couple chocolate cakes. The guys are already out front working on their little project."

I listened to the faint hammering for a second. "How's that going?"

Darry made a face. "Don't ask."

I laughed as he backed out and shut the door. Those idiots and their big ideas.

I quickly got ready for the day, then poured a couple cups of coffee and walked out the front door.

"Nice eye, Allison."

"Yeah Steve, cause you looked real pretty with blood dripping out of your mouth last night," I chuckled. I handed Johnny a mug and took a sip from mine as I leaned against the porch railing.

We had rumbled with a gang of Socs that had been intruding into our territory again. I was sporting a nice black eye, which I hadn't really tried too hard to cover when putting on my makeup.

"Yeah, well, at least her shiner makes her look tuff, yours just makes you look like more of a butt," Johnny snickered. He was sitting in his wheelchair on the porch watching the others work.

Times Change [UNDERGOING EDITS]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant