Chapter Eighteen

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I lounged around Johnny's room for a while longer while he slept. I knew he was just sleeping but every few minutes I couldn't help but check on him to make sure he was still breathing. The nurse came in a few times to check on him too, but she mainly just chose to ignore me.

I had been skimming through the first few chapter of Gone With the Wind when Johnny finally stirred and opened his eyes. "Alli?"

"Yeah, it's me Johnny," I told him, setting the book down. "How're you feeling?"

"I can't feel nothing below the center of my back Alli," he grumbled.

I sighed and closed my eyes, "That's where the piece of roof hit you, isn't it?" I willed myself not to start crying again for Johnny's sake.

"I've been hearing them talking," Johnny said quietly, "They think I can't hear them but I do. They say my back's broken."

"You got hit hard Johnny," I whispered.

"I'll be crippled," he moaned, "They say I might never be able to walk again. Am I going to be in a wheel chair? What am I gonna do? There's no way my folks would take care of me."

"Johnny stop that right now," I ordered. "Your folks aren't going to have nothing to do with anything. We'll take care of you. You can live with us and the guys can help build a ramp for a wheel chair if you need it." I gently took his hand again and analyzed the burns covering his arms and neck. "You ain't got nothing to worry about Johnnycake. We'll make sure everything turns out a-okay."

Johnny grinned weakly, "I can really live with you guys?"

I nodded, "And you'll never have to worry about where to spend the night because you'll have a home with us."

"A home..." Johnny whispered, grinning.

I realized then that Johnny had never really had a home. He had a house with his parents sure, but the gang knew that Johnny had never considered that place a home. I smiled at the thought that I would never have to worry about Johnny going home to get beat on or screamed at. Because he would have a home right there with us, and I could watch out for him and make sure he didn't get into any trouble.

Obviously I would have to talk to Darry about this. But I already knew what he would say. He knew Johnny's parents wouldn't take care of him, and we couldn't just turn him away. We would obviously have to figure out where exactly in the house he would stay, but that wouldn't be too difficult. 'If he lives' I remembered. If he manages to heal up okay, then he'll come to live with us.

"Hey Alli?" Johnny broke my train of thought.


"You been to see Dally yet?"

My heart raced, I had been avoiding seeing him, keeping myself busy with watching over Johnny. "Um, no, I haven't," I answered nervously.

"You should go," he told me, "Dal's probably going crazy sitting in there all alone."

"And what about you?" I asked, "Don't you want to hear more of Gone With the Wind?"

Johnny shrugged slightly, "Ponyboy can read it to me next time he visits, I'll be okay on my own for a little while. You're probably going crazy just sitting there while I sleep. Go pay Dally a visit, he'll be glad to see you."

"Okay," I nodded, getting up and walking to the door, "I'll be back in a little while, get some rest Johnny Cade."

My heart beat rapidly as I made my way down the hall. It seemed like it had been so long since I had last seen Dally, and so much had happened.

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