Chapter Ten

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"Darry will you please remind me why we're here?" I asked irritably. We were standing in the park with Tim Shepherd and his gang, it was dark outside and it was getting mighty cold.

"Allison I already told you, we're meeting Randy and his friends to talk about a rumble, we're waiting to see if they're too chicken to show," Darry replied.

Dally sauntered over to us. "A good ole' fashioned war council, just like back in New York," he said nostalgically, taking a swig of his beer. "Who's that?" he asked, nodding to the little red stingray pulling up to the curb.

The door opened and out stepped none other than Cherry Valance. 

"The hell do you want?" I asked angrily, walking towards her.

Cherry took a step back, "Now I ain't looking for any trouble," she said nervously. "And Allison, I ain't even here to talk to you anyways so you can just cool it."

"Ain't looking for trouble?" I scoffed, "You're damn boyfriend is the whole reason we're in this mess."

Sodapop grabbed my arm, "Just cool it Allison." He turned to Cherry. "What do you want?"

I irritably walked back over and stood between Darry and Dally.  Dally pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and stuck it between his teeth. He lit it and offered it to me. I grudgingly took it as Cherry nervously started talking. 

"I got information," she offered, "The boys are pretty riled up, Bob had a lot of friends. They're gonna rumble, but they should fight fair so long as you do."

"Great, anything else?" Dally asked cooly, sauntering over to her.

She took a deep breath, "I..I'll testify in court that Bob and his friends were drunk," she stammered, "Maybe Johnny and Pony will get off a little easier." I scoffed and Cherry shot me a dirty look.

Dally nodded, "Hey, maybe after court you'll let me take you to the Dingo for a bite to eat?" he grinned. I scowled behind my cigarette.

"Dally Winston you can go to hell," Cherry scoffed. 

"I was about to say the same to you," I sneered, stepping between her and Dally. "Now beat it out of here before the rest of the Socs show, else you're gonna be in a hell of a lot of trouble."

Without another word she turned and got back into her little stingray and drove off.

"Feisty broad," Dally commented lazily. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to my brothers.

"Alli you didn't have to be so rude to her," Darry scolded, "She was just tryin' to help."

"Yeah, well, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place," I grumbled. 

After a while a red mustang pulled up and six guys jumped out. Darry turned to me, "Allison, I think it's about time you head home."



"I ain't going anywhere Darry! I got as much of a right to be here as you do," I argued.

Dally interrupted before Darry could say anything else, "She'll be fine Darry, I'll keep her safe," he drawled, wrapping his arm around my waist and hooking his thumb in my pocket.

"Fine, but if there's any trouble, you and Soda beat it out of here. You understand me?" Darry lectured, "I can get tossed in the cooler but you two can't."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I waved him off.

Darry raised his eyebrows with a smirk, "Allison since when did you smoke?"

"Since my little brother and best friend became criminals."

Darry frowned at my reply but didn't say anything else as the Socs sauntered over to us. Threats were exchanged and eventually the boys established that they would rumble. 

"You gonna let that little broad fight?" one of the Socs drawled, obviously referring to me.

"Better hope not you dead beat son of a-"

Darry placed his hand on my shoulder, "Allison that's enough."

Dally laughed, "Darry I think you should let her go on, this was just starting to get good."

"Dallas, take Allison home before she gets herself into trouble," Darry sighed.

Dally and I walked most of the way home in silence, "You really gonna fight?" he asked.

"Probably," I shrugged, "Wouldn't be the first time."

"Darry was pissed last time, Allison"

"Yeah and he can be pissed this time too," I grinned, "He doesn't think I can handle myself in a fight. Remember last time, you wouldn't have won if it wasn't for me."

Dally smiled and shook his head, "Allison Curtis, you are full of surprises."

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