Chapter Eight

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When we got home from the station I numbly walked to my room and sat down on my bed. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Johnnycake could ever hurt anyone, let alone commit a murder. And the fact that Ponyboy was there to see it, that kid had enough  problems as it was. He had nightmares constantly about our parents' death. I had nightmares too, but I was careful to hide it from the boys, I didn't want them worrying about me any more than they already do.

My baby brother and my best friend were on the run for murder charges. The harsh reality was hitting me hard. My stomach churned violently, I felt like I was about to throw up.

Suddenly there was a knock at  my door. "Allison, do you want some lunch?" Darry asked.

"N-no, I'm not hungry," I answered shakily.

The door opened and Darry walked in, "Ally are you okay?" he inquired, "You never pass up a meal."

"Well i'm not hungry," I snapped.

"Woah, did I just hear Allison Curtis say she's not hungry?" Sodapop joked, waltzing in. He stopped when he saw me, "Ally you look real pale, is everything okay?"

I shook my head, clutching my stomach. Darry put his arm around my shoulders, "You're worried about Pony and Johnny, aren't you?" I nodded again.

Soda sat down on the other side of me, "You know they're gonna be just fine Sissy, they're tough kids."

"That's the point! They're just kids!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly," Darry said calmly, "That means if they get caught, they won't get it to tough, they only acted in self defense."

"If they get caught..." I whispered.

"Listen, I know Dally won't tell us where Pony and Johnny are. But he says they're safe, and we got no choice to believe him," Soda reassured me. I nodded slowly.

Darry stood up, "Try to get some rest Allison."

"Move it, " I grumbled to Soda, shoving him off my bed so I could lay down. I pulled the blankets up to my chin as Darry and Soda left and closed my door behind them.


I woke up a couple hours later to a bunch of jumbled voices. I sat up and threw off my covers. After sitting there for a moment I stood up and walked over to my mirror. I smoothed my messy light brown hair before exiting my room.

Wandering to the living room, I found Sodapop and Steve locked in an intense wrestling match on the carpet. Dally and Two Bit were cheering them on from the couch.

"Nerds," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as I leaned against the door frame.

"Want to join in Ally?" Steve joked, grabbing at my foot.

I kicked his hand away. "Nope, you know I could kick both y'all's butts," I yawned.

Soda jumped up and stumbled towards me, "Wanna bet?" He picked me up and spun me around.

"Soda put me down!" I shrieked.

"Cmon Sis, I thought you could kick my butt!" He started jumping around, with me still tossed over his shoulder.

Darry overheard the commotion and ran into the room. "SODAPOP CURTIS PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN!" he hollered. Soda stopped spinning and dropped me on the couch next to Dally. "What were you thinkin?" Darry questioned, smacking him upside the head. "You know she ain't feeling good!"

"Geez, okay sorry, I forgot," Soda grumbled, rubbing his head.

Darry shook his head, "Well don't forget it again," he huffed. "Dinner's ready," he said to the rest of the boys, who had been watching the whole ordeal silently. They all nodded and headed for the kitchen.

Except for Dally, who remained with me until everyone else left the room. He looked at me with concern, "What does he mean you're not feeling good?"

I shook my head, "I'm feelin' better now Dally, that's all that matters, right?"

"No, that's not all that matters Ally. What matters is I want you to be okay, ya gotta tell me when you're not," he sighed.

I raised my eyebrows, "What's with the sudden concern Dallas?"

He gave me an irritated look, "I care about you Allison, why does that come as such a surprise?" I glared at him. "Sorry, i'm just looking out for you Sissy," he said gently.

"Hey!" Sodapop said, sticking his head around the corner. "You two coming or not?" he snickered, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Soda!" I exclaimed. He ducked back into the kitchen, laughing. Dally chuckled and held out his hand to help me up. I accepted and he pulled me up off the couch, holding on to my hand a little longer than necessary.

Darry had made homemade chicken strips, my favorite. During dinner I was able to laugh and joke around with the guys, they always had a way of cheering up.

After dinner I leaned back in my chair, "Ughh, I feel like I'm gonna hurl."

"You shouldn't have eaten 20 chicken strips!" Steve laughed.

"You shouldn't have bet me I could eat 20 chicken strips!" I exclaimed. "Now, where's my money?"

Steve grudgingly handed me five dollars, "That was kind of impressive," he mumbled, "I should have remembered you never say no to a bet."

"Damn straight."

"Okay, okay, y'all get out of my house, it's gettin' late," Darry declared. The three of them stumbled to the door, laughing and shoving eachother the whole way. "Ally get to bed," he told me once they were gone.

"I don't see you ordering Sodapop off to his room," I grumbled.

"Well you were looking mighty pale earlier and I don't need you passing out at school tomorrow," he reassured, messing up my hair.

I smacked at his hand, "Fine, fine," I sighed, standing up. I had forgotten there was still school tomorrow.

I showered and put on some comfortable pajamas,  getting into bed. Thanks to my full stomach, I fell into a food induced sleep. But it was a restless sleep and I did nothing but toss and turn all night.

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