Chapter Seven

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My head started to spin. Johnny? Kill someone? Johnnycake? No. It couldn't be true. I sunk down to then floor and buried my face in my hands. Sodapop kneeled next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Was Ponyboy there?" Darry asked, panicking.

"Yes," Dally replied. 

My breath caught in my throat. Dear Lord. 

Then Dally started to explain, "They were at the park when the Mustang full of Socs they had seen on their way home from the nightly double rolled on up."

"Winnie told us about the Socs, same ones that jumped Johnny," Soda said grimly. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder, numbly staring at Dally as he continued.

"Yeah, anyway, a couple of them jumped on Pony and started trying to drown him in that big fountain in the park. And Johnny's got that blade ya know? Well, he used it, stabbed the kid in the back. They all got scared and ran after that. Johnny yanked Pony out of the fountain and they came found me at Buck's place. I gave them money and told them about a place to hide out for a while."

"Dear fucking Lord," I muttered, shaking my head. 

"You can say that again, Sis," Soda breathed, starting leaning back on me for support. 

Darry sunk down on the sofa and rested his head in his hands. "Shit."

This just can't be happening, my best friend and my little brother on the run. 

Dally kneeled down next to me. "I don't think he know what he was doing at the time, Winnie, you know how scared he is, he was just trying to save Ponyboy."

I shook my head again, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. 

Dally rubbed my back soothingly, "Don't worry, I'll make sure they're safe."

"Where are they headed?" Sodapop asked, "To hide?"

Dally sighed, "I can't tell you."

"Can't tell us?" Darry shouted as everyone jumped to their feet, "Can't tell us? Dallas Winston you ARE going to tell us where our brother is." 

I jumped slightly and clutched Dally's sleeve. 

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and glared at Darry. "Keep it down Curtis, I told you, I can't tell you where he is, I can't tell anyone. Do you want them sent off to the cooler? I've been there and I can tell you it's no place you want your little brother to be," He hissed. 

I shivered, at the thought of the most innocent boys I knew in prison for murder.

"It's okay, Win," Dally said quietly in my ear. Then he fixed his eyes on my brothers. "Now listen, we're all going to get dragged in for questioning. Ya'll can't say nothing about where they might be. Just pretend you have no clue about anything that happened after Ponyboy left the house. The tiniest clue is all they need to sniff 'em out." He instructed us.

Soda rubbed his eyes irritably, "Dammit, we're in for a lot of trouble aren't we?"

"No shit," I replied.

Dally nodded, then he looked back to me, "And you need to get some sleep before you have a nervous breakdown. Good lord, you're shaking like a leaf." He picked me up bridal style and I yelped in alarm. "We're all in for a long day tomorrow." Then he carried me to my room, dropped me unceremoniously on the bed, and tossed a blanket over me.

"Dal?" I asked as he turned to leave.

"Yeah?" he replied, stopping and leaning agains the door frame.

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