Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up the next morning feeling Dally's arm still wrapped around my waist. Opening my eyes, the first thing I noticed was Dally staring right back at me.

"What are you staring at?" I yawned.

"You're beautiful when you are sleeping," he smirked, "You look so calm."

I raised my eyebrows, "Calm as opposed to when I'm usually raising hell?"

"You do tend to do that whenever you get the chance," he teased, "Maybe that's why I like you so much."

"Wonder who I got that from," I said mischievously, snuggling closer to Dally under the blanket.

We jumped apart when there was a loud banging on the door, "Allison get up if you want breakfast!" Sodapop called from the other side before walking away.

I had to cover my mouth to hold in my laughter at Dally's terrified expression. "Don't worry," I whispered, "They typically stay out of my room."

"You seem to have a lot of privacy, having three brothers and all," Dally commented quietly, relaxing.

"They know damn well I would kick their butts," I replied.

Dally laughed, "I know you would." The grin quickly disappeared from his face, "I'm going to have to get going pretty soon," he said solemnly.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "I don't want you to," I sighed.

"I have to go," he told me, gently kissing my forehead. "I need to go make sure they're doing okay."

"Take me with you," I begged.

"I can't doll, I don't want you getting involved with this."

I huffed and turned away from him.

"Alli I'm sorry," Dally sighed, throwing off the blankets and standing up.

I got up too, picking his leather jacket off the floor and handing it to him. He took it from me and shrugged it on. Before he opened the window Dally turned to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me tenderly on the lips.

"I love you Allison Curtis," he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you too Dallas," I smiled. I smacked his shoulder, "Now get going, and take good care of my boys."

He grinned and kissed me one last time before opening the window and climbing out of it, waving before he disappeared around the side of the house.

"Alli! Get out here before Soda eats all of the cake!" Darry called.

"Fine, fine," I yawned, "I'm up."

I clasped my hands above my head and stretched my back before I headed to the kitchen. Grabbing a piece of bacon off a plate by the stove, I stuck it in my mouth while I poured myself some coffee.

"Sleep well Allison?" Soda asked casually.

I nervously sipped my coffee that I no longer added chocolate milk to. Lately, I started liking the bitter taste of coffee, it seemed to anchor me to reality somewhat.

"Just fine," I replied, grabbing another piece of bacon.

Just then the front door banged open.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" Two Bit shouted. Him and Steve came stumbling into the kitchen, having mini wrestling match, pushing, and shoving, and fake hitting eachother.

"Don't I ever get any peace around here?" I sighed.

"Shoulda thought of that before you had three brothers," Two joked, plopping down at the table.

"Didn't have much of a choice in the matter," I mumbled.

Steve approached me and stared into my eyes, "Stop hogging all the bacon," he said in his most serious voice before stole the piece of bacon I was holding and took a bite of it as he walked away.

"You stop hogging all the bacon," I mocked, sitting down and putting a piece of chocolate cake on my plate.

"Stop hogging all the cake Sissy."

"Stop hogging all the cake Steve."

"Stop being a smartass Alli."

"You stop being a smartass."

Darry rolled his eyes, "Well, the amount of love in the room truly is overwhelming right now. But Allison, you and I need to get to work."

After breakfast I washed my plate and favorite coffee mug and headed to my room to change out of my pajamas. I put on a dark purple skirt and a light blue blouse. Undoing the braid from the night before, I ran my fingers through my reddish brown hair and decided to just leave it down, letting it fall in waves to my waist.

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