CHAPTER 3: Hulk or Raphael of teenage mutant ninja turtle

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Sorry for the laaaatte post guys,gals. I've been buzy for a couple of weeks. Review stuffs and everyday stress takes my time. T.T anyways i hope you like this chapter. Sorry if there's typos. I'm still learning on how to construct words from my crazy imagination. Don't forget to comment or a leave message. :D

" If i could give you one thing in life, i would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then, you realize how special you are to me"- anonymous.

Diane POV

I stare at him like i saw a rat which is hatred i tell you. Blood runs out my veins like it been sucking out my system. I've become pale and my hands are shaking. I can't stop it. I almost drop the files i've be sorting. I stand and look back at my boss. Luckily my boss didn't notice it.

"Good morning to you too my beautiful secretary" Mr Martinez happily greet me as they stop in front of table.

You see Mr. Martinez aka Mr. Adrian Matthew Martinez is my kindest and charming boss. I've been working for him for almost 3 years now. He's 6'1 with blond hair blue eyes and has this boy next door aura that all the girls in the building drooling about. He likes to play jokes and always tease me like a brother to her sister. A lot of them wants to take my position though. Those jealous caked-face prawns.

"I would like you to meet my great friend who just got back from England, Logan Caden Rosso. He will be my new vice-president starting today. "

Adrian says to me with those mischievous eyes like he knows something or I'm just being paranoid standing in front of them.

I look at him.

He changed a lot. Those boyishly sweet handsome boy i'd known was gone. All i can see is this dark, hot and handsome man in front of me. I mean this ugly creature who's look like Hulk or Raphael of teenage mutant ninja turtle with those green eyes!

I masked my emotions and act professionally as I extend my hand to shake his hand and treat him as i never seen him before and said.

"Good morning sir Rosso, I'm Diana Angela Salma."

"Good morning to you too. It's been awhile Diana. " he said with a blank stare and a smirk.

I felt his warm hand in my hand. All the things i've been keeping feels like it brought back to life again.
Awkwardness my sudden in counter I removed my hand at once, and said

"Sir, mr. Hernander office called to remind you about the meeting later @ 10am."

"Thanks Diana, i know i could count on you." Adrian smiles and said

"So shall we, buzy day ahead!"

He look at logan with a smug face then they entered to the lions den i mean office.

I never thought of seeing his face even bare to stand in a same room with him. How could fate let it be. Did fate hate me so much? I've been good all this years? Aren't i? To let him meet me again after all those tortuous years I've suffered.

( 7 years ago)

"Where did i put it? Margot will go ballistic if i lost it! Why i'm so forgetful!" I muttered

Kneeling on the ground searching for the calculator I borrowed from my bestfriend Margot because i left mine at the dorm.She's my only friend who can tolerate my crazy antics besides Gavin (our cocky friend). 

We're been friends since highschool till now that we are in college here at Stanford University with different courses. She's pretty like a barbie with sass attitude. I don't know why we're even friends. We're totally opposite.

I been at the auditorium for the pass hour looking where i last saw the annoying calculator. Im losing my sanity. Panicking in every second. I felt someone tapping at my shoulder.

"Excuse miss. I think i have what you're looking for."

I heard an subtle attractive rusty voice of a male species at my back. I stand and turned. Saw a smiling tall guy with a dashing good looks holding the calculator at he's right hand. He's left hand was at the back of his nape like his embarrassed. I know for sure he'll be a part of my life for a very long time.

Blood rush my cheeks as i reach the calculator to his hand.

"Thank you Thank you! I been looking for it everywhere" i said gleefully and with a relief

"You left it at the canteen and didn't got the chance to give it back to you." He said

"I-it's okay" i shyly replied

"I'm Logan by the way" he said as he extended his hand and I accept it and says "Diana Angela"

"You won't mind if I call you Angela, right?"

"Not at all" i said with a smile.

It's a first time someone wants to call me on my second name. I don't get it. It's strangely satisfying to hear his voice saying my name like i'm special.


I the sound of the door closing at mr. Martinez front door brings my senses back and I immediately make myself buzy like I didn't saw him. I fell some shadow blocks my view and I raised my head to meet his eyes.

" I never thought i've meet you again, Angela." He said but i can see the sadness of his eyes as he walks out to the elevator. He didn't even give me time to respond.

All i know is I'm screwed. Totally screwed.

Logan POV

"Man, have you lost your mind?!" Talking to the phone with my  best friend Adrian who sometimes annoy so much a

"Logan, you need to show your self at the meeting or else your dad will not be happy about it..." Adrian explain

"Besides your been what hiding from her all this years. You need to face her at some point."

"I know Adrian. That's why I reconsider your proposition about taking over the Vice President position" i said with annoyingly as I running at the park near the hotel i currently staying for 2 days.

"So your saying that your reconsider my plans of you winning her over." Adrian said that stop my tracks

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