CHAPTER 7: Okay. Commando. You win

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Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh. -Henry David Thoreau

Chapter 7


I stare at Charlie for a sec.

"What? Who's on the line?" Charlie asked

I covered the mouth piece and whisper at her hissing voice saying "Jacob"

i mouth her and pointed her i'll go to her balcony.

What to do?! What to do?! Should I pretend I don't know him? That I was to drunk to remember? Yah. That's right. Pretend. Nothing happened.

"Look whoever you are, I'm sorry. I don't remember what happened last night." I said

"I just want to check on you after what happened last night"

"I didn't mean to be rude but what exactly happened last night?" and asked curiously I remember pieces but I didn't known exactly happened after the "i-can't-believe-i-danced-provocatively" part.

"You excuse yourself and went out to the washroom and minutes when I didn't saw you coming out. I followed to get you but as i walked to the washroom hallway i saw you sitting with your own vomit. The girl saw me and telling them that you are my girl. As a gentleman as i am, I carried you to drive you home but you friend saw me and got you." he explained

I was extremely embarrassed. That's was the final straw. No more martini now. I resent it.

"I-I'm sorry and please accept my humble gratitude of saying thank you for saving another night of humiliation" I said to him

But he laugh and said
"It's alright. You leave a big marked though"

"If you don't mind me asking, Where did you got my number? I asked to change the subject

"You gave it to me when we were dancing.." he said

"I did not do that?! My friend Charl.."

"The pretty lady had been caught" He said and laughs

Why!? Stupidest as it's finest! Stupidest person ever!

I laugh mimicking him to cover my embarrassment.

"Whatever. What would you do about it?" I said with humor

"Have dinner with me"

"Why would i? To be honest, I don't know you. We only danced and you expect me to have dinner with you?" I said business mode

"That's the point beautiful, to get to know me better and to make up for helping you and lying earlier" he said to state his point.

I blushed after he said it. I spaced out in the balcony. I'm hesitant to go with him. Maybe Charlie was right. It's been 5 years of sobbing and self-loathing for a guy who didn't have the guts to find me. Maybe he moved on. And i must too. It's just a date. How bad could it be?

"What's your decision pretty lady?" He persistently asked

Would I allowed myself to be trick by this sneaky playboy? I'm not sure about it. Maybe. What if? he's a good gentleman last night. I guess I'll try.


"Great! You'll never regret it." He enthusiastically said

It's between Us ( On Hold )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora