Dating Who? Oh, You're Marrying Her?!

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 (E.E., why I dedicated this chapter to you is at the bottom bolded with no italics.)

Chapter 2: At Lost for Words

I smiled at Mustardseed, "Hey."

"Hello Daphne," He said his blonde hair shining lightly, "It's nice to see you again. How many years has it been?"

I calculated in her mind, "I'd day about six years." Mustardseed grinned, "Smart as ever Daph. Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Sure. Daph is fine!" It sounded REALLY much-o awesome-o coming from his mouth. Oh gosh- I was only 12! And here I was going boy crazy!!

I was going Mustardseed crazy to be more specific.

"Are you going to stay here?" I asked him. He nodded, "Only for a month though because since Puck gave up the throne, I still have to fulfill my duties." I snickered, "Duties...hah." He looked at her with an amused expression.

"How is it handling your mom?"

"She's fine. As fine as the Queen of Faerie can get," He replied. I laughed. When did Mustardseed ever get a sense of humor?

"Hello younger brother!!" Puck cried, reaching for a hug. Mustardseed looked surprised, "Ummm...that's very 'OOC' Puck," He sniffed, “And you smell...good?" Sabrina put an arm around Puck, "I have that effect on pinky over here." Puck groaned at the nickname, "Argh!! I blame my mom.  She thought I would be a GIRL. My room was even pink!"

"But she gave it to Moth didn't she?" Mustardseed retorted.

"Yeah. BUT MY SCENT WAS IN THERE. Now every time -well before she was taken to prison to rot- she came into that ugly room, she sniffed it!"  Puck growled, "And that's creepy on SO many levels.”

We all laughed and Puck stared, “Am I the only one who finds that disturbing?!”

We started talking about Randomosity- most of you should know what that is. Sometimes I stared at Mustardseed. And sometimes, (my heart did little cheers) he would be glancing at me. 'Eeeep!'

I know I’m acting really weird, but hey, I’m not the eight year old girl who was treated like a baby even though she’s been in more death experiences than you could do crutches. And at this age, this in when the hormones kick in…

Well, for my family. C’mon! You saw how Sabrina and Puck ‘fought to the death’ when they were my age! Now they’re older and in LOVE. And actually telling people they’re in love. Gosh people, we Grimms will get less thick as we get older!

This party was fun and all, but there’s something that has to ruin at times isn’t there?

Mustardseed was moving closer to me (that wasn’t what ruined it, trust me). I glanced at his hand.

I wondered if his hand would be warm. I know I’m weird. It’s who I am! But anyway, that’s what I wondered. And then I thought Hmmm, I’m sure he won’t mind if I slip my hand in his…

That’s where everything went wrong.

“Mustardseed!!” A feminine voice said. He turned around just to be tackled by a black haired girl. They both fell on the floor, laughing. Sabrina, Puck and I watched with weird looks.

“Hey! I thought you were staying in Faerie!” Mustardseed said surprised. The unknown girl who was getting on my nerves giggled, “Well I felt like surprising you!!” She turned to Puck, her green eyes lit up brightly, “Puck! What’s up? Still pranking?” He huffed, “If I stopped pranking I wouldn’t be called THE TRICKSTER KING!!” Sabrina smacked him.

“Stupid fairy,” Sabrina mumbled. “But you love me!” Puck stated. Sabrina rolled her eyes. It was silent after that. Mustardseed cleared his throat, “Oh, sorry! Daphne, Sabrina, Brother–you remember her, this is Helena.” Sabrina furrowed her eyebrow, “Wait, as in the one from you and Puck’s play?” Helena smiled slightly, “That was my mother, Helena, heh. People tend to get us confused.”

“So your mom married Demetrius?” Sabrina asked. Wow, I’m surprised she actually read Puck’s story. Puck seemed to know what I was thinking because he whispered to me, “Your sister wanted to make sure I was single in the play and a total virg-“

Sabrina heard what he was saying and smacked him across the face, “I did not read your play because of that. I read it because you kept gloating about your adventure so…I got curious.” She turned to me, “You should read it sometime, Daph.” Helena seemed to notice me for the first time, then ignored me, “Back to my mom and Demetrius: No. She saw what bast-err, I mean, what a mess he was and how his ego was inflated so much. She married Peaseblossom.”

“I thought Peaseblossom was a girl,” I said. Helena looked insulted. She gave me an irritated look, “That’s what the ‘other’ people thought too. But Peaseblossom’s a ‘dude’, as you humans say now.”

Fascinating! I thought sarcastically.

“You’re human too though,” Sabrina pointed out. Sabrina must’ve LOVED the play.

Helena had a smug look on her face, “An immortal one. My mother and her best friend’s tale is recorded in history, hello-o-o!! Goodness, you Grimms have to catch up!” Puck looked furious at how she didn’t mention his role in the tale.

So far, Helena was one stinkin’ immortal human. But that’s not all…

“So, err, Helena, why are you here again? I don’t remember inviting you,” Puck said. I hoped Helena couldn’t see my smile. Puck is just so…Pucktastic at times! She crossed her arms over her chest and was about to retort.

“Brother, I invited her,” Mustardseed said with a stern look. Ummm…talk about attitude adjustment. Where’s the awesome and funny Mustardseed who came into my house?

He continued, “Well, you gave up the throne and Mother was throwing a fit…” My eyes went wide as she clasped her hand around his.

“We’re dating,” She said, “And we’ll soon get married!” Mustardseed smiled at her and my heart sank like the Titanic: unexpected discovery and coldness.

And now, I felt tears wanting to flow out of my tear ducts.

“Well,” I coughed, “I’ll see you guys later.” With that, I dashed off into my room, leaving two shocked faces and two …I-don’t-want-to-talk-about-it ones. I sat on my bed hugging my knees and rocking myself lightly, with the tears flowing out fast.

Sometimes, life brings the most unexpected things, and they suck.

A/N.  Okay, most of you were probably expecting that twist, but Daphne sure didn’t’. Now I feel like crying. And remember, this is Helena’s DAUGHTER, not the ACTUAL Helena, because the real Helena is in her 20s. :D

And yeah, people that don’t know: Peaseblossom is a dude. Estrangelo Edessa is the Shakespearean Expert (the only one I know actually) so I get all of my Shakespeare info from her and Wiki. But I just found out Wiki isn’t that reliable, so it’s mainly her.

I’d like to thanks all of you guys for reviewing, you guys really do rock. :D

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