Deemed with an Award

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A/N. Hey guys! It's certainly been a while, haha.

Okay, to cut to the chase: I finished this story three years ago on FanFiction, and forgot I promised to end this story the same way I did on FF. I didn't know people were reading this on Wattpad, so I thought: Maybe I'll stop at ten chapters on Wattpad like I originally planned. But then I looked back at this story this morning and saw I wrote, "I promise that this is not the end!" and I thought 'oh, fudge.' SO HERE IS THE VERY LONG AWAITED CHAPTER ELEVEN! HOORAY!

I'll post the rest of this story today. And this time, I mean my promise. :D

The rest of the story is more of an after-story, I guess you could call it, but it's a short one. Oh, and we skipped...two weeks after the wedding and all that so it's August for the rest of the story. :3 Enjoy this chapter! This chapters a little boring because there's normalness (not much fantasy in this chapter), but there is DxM fluff later, so that's your warning! :D

Part of this chapter credit goes to zoocan and twilightfunatic because of their brilliant minds.

Note: Remember, I wrote this three years ago. It's not exactly in it's best form, if you know what I mean. :3


Chapter 11: Deemed Girl with Cutest Boyfriend

"I can't believe school's starting again," Puck groaned. "Now we have to wake up early and endure eight hours of learning torture!" Puck was driving Sabrina and Daphne to school, but Daphne was being driven first because her school was the closest to the Grimm house.

Sabrina smacked his head. "Hey, be glad we have only one more year, unlike Daphne."

Said Grimm nodded. "Yeah, Puck. I have six more years until college."

Puck made a face. "Ugh, college. More learning." Sabrina rolled her eyes at his behavior and said, "Stop acting like a whiny child. I thought we agreed you would only do it at home!"

Suddenly, Puck snickered. "You said 'do it'. Haha!"

"Shut up!"

Puck then promptly kissed her to confuse her. "You know you love me!" Daphne groaned. The tone he used saying that... "Wait, I mean 'I guess you've noticed!'" A smirk was growing on his face.

It seemed Sabrina thought the same thing because she suddenly moved far away from him. "Puck, don't..."

"I guess you care! About the way that," Puck flicked his hair away from his face, "I flip my hair!" Both Grimm girls yelled at him to stop.

"You say it's Bieber! You say it's hot..." Sabrina shoved her hand over his mouth.

"Daphne, I suggest you get out of the car before I break something," Sabrina said, turning angry. "If Puck keeps this up, I'm going to lose control."

Said fairy laughed evilly and smirked. "I'd love to see you lose control," he said winking at his girlfriend.

Daphne covered her hearing, knowing he might say something more perverted. "I'm going to go now. Bye you guys!" Sabrina nodded and started yelling at her boyfriend. The brunette Grimm sighed, but smiled. She loved them both, even if they were fighting childishly.

She jumped out of the car and waved to them, walking into the school. She shook her head and said to herself, "Gosh, they're such a handful." Daphne walked in to be blasted with cold air. She had always wondered why the janitors made it so cold in here. After she had gotten her schedule and lock, she went towards her locker.

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