Daphne's Given A Threat?

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O.S. - March 20 9:14 PM

O.F. - March 20 10:20 PM

Chapter 3: "Proposal of Forgiveness (Puck Style)"

A knock was heard at my door, "Daphne? You okay?"

I sniffled, and wiped away the tears. My voice trembled, "Y-yeah. Come in, Sabrina." She peeked inside the room and smiled at me.

The bed squeaked as she sat next to me, "What's wrong?"

"You know me like the back of your hand," I mumbled. She laughed.

"Yep. So stop avoiding the question-what's up?"

"The sky," I said miserably.

"Daphne," She said sternly.

I sighed, "Fine...I, I like Mustardseed."

"Well that's clear to see," I shoved her. Sabrina laughed.

"And you know-he's getting married to that witch..."

"Who? Helena? She's awesome!" Sabrina said. I laughed dryly.

"Great. Now my sister's taking HER side!"

"Daph, I'm not taking sides!" She said laughing harder. I held my head in my hands. Sabrina rubbed my back.

"Oh, Daphne. You're growing up. You will experience these feelings a lot."

"I've experienced these feelings since I first met Mustardseed."

She looked shocked, "Really?"

"I thought you knew me like the back of your hand!"

"I do. This is just the front of my hand, which I'm not too familiar with."

"That was a corny joke."

"Shut up, Daphne." Soon, we were laughing loudly. I wiped a tear away.

"Thanks Sabrina- you're the graviest sister EVER!" She smiled at me and pulled out a brush. I giggled and started brushing her hair.

"You know I'll be here for ya, Daphne."

Puck opened the door, "You too okay? I heard someone scream."

Sabrina and I held confused looks, "No one screamed. We were just laughing."

Puck looked relieved, "Oh you were laughing; I thought someone died or was murdered." Sabrina threw a pillow at Puck.

"Put a sock in it, Pinky!" Puck grinned and kissed Sabrina on the forehead. When he moved, her face was a shade of a tomato. I blushed. That was what I wanted with Mustardseed. Oh geez, I'm becoming a hopeless romantic!

"What'cha thinkin' about, Marshmallow?" Puck asked, slinging an arm around me.

Sabrina answered for me, "She likes Mustardseed, but he's with Helena-who Daphne calls a witch."

"She is a witch!" I insisted.

Puck rubbed his chin, "I see. But why do all the innocent girls fawn over the clean, boring guys?"

Sabrina's eyes widened, "Excuse me? What do you mean innoce-"

"Anyways, Marshmallow- I agree with ya; Helene might be a knockout, but her attitude is a tad bit messed up!" Puck said.

Sabrina scoffed, "Just like a pixie we know...wait, what do you mean she's a knockout?" I laughed.

"Firstly, Tinkerbelle's cute-I know, but she's clingy and can get jealous easily," Puck said; Sabrina meant Puck himself, but he didn't seem to get that, "and Helene's pretty, but not as beautiful as you."

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