Driven to Madness

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Disclaimer: Partial credit for this chapter goes to zoocan because of her brilliant ideas, but actual writing of it goes to me. :) Oh and if I owned the Sisters Grimm, Puck would be with Sabrina by now and Mirror and the Scarlet Hand would've been blown to smithereens by Daphne's awesome karate skills.


Chapter 12: Driven to Madness

Daphne stared at the paper before her. She couldn't believe it; were her eyes deceiving her? She was feeling shocked, surprised, and mostly shock.

'Awards for the 1st Quarter of School

First Honor: Alexis Dray and David Skimmer

Second Honor: Wendell Piper and Jamie Ford

Smartest Girl: Alexis Dray

Smartest Boy: David Skimmer

Quietest Person: Hayden Trestles

Loudest Person: Haley Trestles

Meanest Girl: Natalie Beast

Meanest Boy: Toby Webster

Nicest Girl: Daphne Grimm

Nicest Boy: Wendell Piper

Prettiest Girl: Sarah Quinn

Cutest Boy: Mustardseed Goodfellow [Daphne's Boyfriend]

Cutest Couple: Mustardseed Goodfellow and Daphne Grimm

Most Humorous Person: Dawn Hastening

Most Sickening (in love) Couple: Ariana Tyler and Parker Hollington

Most Inspiring People: Sadie Jordan and Emily Vincent


Awards Chosen by the Cheerleaders and Jocks

She blinked. The list sure was long, but she got the message. She and Mustardseed had been chosen as 'Cutest Couple' for the first quarter of the school year. It was weird, but she felt...Mustaphnelicious! Yes, she made a new word. It mean as awesome as her and Mustardseed. It didn't sound too right, but it was a word made up by her nonetheless!

Dawn squealed behind her. "I told you so! You two are just so cute together! And can you believe it? I won the funniest person award! I am pretty funny, if I do say so myself. You know, if Puck was still in middle school, he could be voted for most humorous perverted person..." Daphne blocked out her droning, still staring at the paper in front of her. "...Daphne? You listening to me, dude?"

She waved a hand at her. "Yeah, yeah. I just...I can't believe it."

Dawn beamed. "Well I told you so! I think you should go home and tell Mustardseed that. He'll be so happy!" Daphne eyed the bell behind her friend surreptitiously.

"Well, school's ending soon so I'll be able to-"


"...go home soon. I guess I can go home now. You want to come over, Dawn?"

Her eyes shone brightly and she said, "Oh my gosh, yes! I haven't been over since after the first day of school. Let's go!"

They started walking towards the exit to see the car pull up with Sabrina in the driver's seat. "Hey guys. How was school?"

"Good," they said simultaneously. Daphne's companion grinned cheekily and asked, "Do you know what awards Daphne won today?"

"You won awards, Daph? Congrats! What awards?"

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