Discovering the Truth

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A/N. Muahaha! I'm so evil! Most of your guesses were Jake and Mustardseed, and two people thought it was Puck! I loved all of your reviews! You guys were like, "The Daphne and Veronica switch made me almost fall out of my chair." LOL. Man, I really love you guys! Thanks! Anyways…

Oh, those reviews were from my FanFiction site, but someone DID say Puck on Wattpad. :) You know who you are!!

I found out that if Daphne and Mustardseed got together while Sabrina and Puck got married, it's NOT illegal. Man, I was so embarrassed when I found out, lol. Major mistake made by moi again. Hah. Let's just pretend it is illegal since they're fairies or something. :3

PS. I think I made Daphne and Mustardseed too lovey-dovey in this chapter. I'll probably change that if you guys want me too.


Chapter 9: Discovering the Truth

(Even Though We Already Know)

Everyone gasped and started whispering. "I wonder why he objected…"

"Was he in an affair with the bride?"

"I don't think so. The blonde doesn't seem like he would do anything like that."

"Man, he's hot."

"Look at that hair! I just want to run my hand through it."

"Gosh! Those eyes are gorgeous!" Soon the people were whispering compliments about him.

Sabrina stared at him, Mustardseed and Helena stared at him, Daphne stared, Henry, Relda, and Mr. Canis stared. But they weren't sure who what more surprised-Uncle Jake or the priest.

Everyone was staring at the infuriated Puck. He silenced the crowd by clapping his hands together loudly.

The priest said, "And what do you object about, Mr. Puck?"

Puck's steeled glare was directed at Helena. "How could you?"

Helena sputtered, "W-what did I do?" The intense glare was too much to handle.

Someone in the crowd said, "Affair! Affair!" That theory was very wrong.

"You played my brother, you witch!" Puck pointed a finger at the bride. Sabrina suddenly remembered the 'sandwich' incident not long ago. So it was a fake story…"I worked so hard to make this wedding perfect for my brother and you ruined it!"

"Excuse me, dear Prince, but what proof do you have of her ruining?" the priest asked. Puck opened up his palm and showed the crowds and the priest.

From the back, Daphne –still Veronica in disguise- gasped. How did he get…

"A bracelet? That means nothing," Helena scoffed, but looking a little feared. Mustardseed stiffened at the sight of the object. His hands clenched at the sight.

"That's a bunch of bull, Helena! You used this bracelet to put a love spell over my brother and you played with his emotions! You've seen this bracelet! So has Mustardseed!" Puck turned towards his brother, "Mustardseed, remember you said she gave it to you on your first date? Before she gave it to you, what did you think of her?"

"To be honest, I didn't very much like her." Collective gasps rose from the crowd. Helena faked shock.

"Then why did you ask me to marry you?" Mustardseed had a temper like his brother, and when it came out to play, it was a fairly frightening sight.

"I didn't ask you! Your stupid bracelet did! I still can't believe you did that." Sabrina narrowed her eyes at the bride. Daphne and Mustardseed would've made a much better couple.

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