Do Whatcha Gotta Do

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A/N. 'Ello, gove'na! :D I've always wanted to type that…

LISTEN UP: School starts soon so I won't be able to update the next chapter until FRIDAY. :P Please bear with me. Lol.

Be glad today's cahpter is longer than usual, it should last you the day.

Just wanted to say that. Hah. Here's your chapter! And today's chapter title breaks so many grammar rules *sarcasm*. Lol.

Chapter 7: Do Whatcha Gotta Do

After their –ahem- date, Daphne came home grinning like a maniac. As soon as she closed the door, she touched her tingling lips.


"Bye, Daph. I'll see you soon!" Mustardseed said bringing Daphne towards the doorsteps.

"Bye Mustardseed," she said, turning around to see his face centimeters away from hers. He smiled warmly at her.

"Mustardseed, someone might see us…" Daphne said worriedly, looking around him.

He flashed a grin at her, "Then I'll make this quick." He quickly pecked her lips and pulled away fast before she could respond back. Even so, her face turned into the color of a blood red Sharpie. Mustardseed chuckled, and hugged Daphne before leaving with another goodbye.

End of Flashback

"What's with that grin on your face?" Daphne jumped when she saw Uncle Jake looking at her from his chair…

"I'm sorry! I forgot to untie you!" She repeated her apology as she untied her uncle. As soon as the rope where gone, Uncle Jake let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank God. I thought I was going to be stuck in that seat forever. My butt was starting to act up." He started to rub his aching hindquarters, while glaring at Daphne, "I almost peed in my pants you know."

"Sorry again, Uncle Jake," she said in a small voice. He cracked a grin, and hugged Daphne with his arm that hadn't just been touching his behind.

"That's okay, kiddo. So how did everything go?"

Daphne instinctively touched her lips again with a giddy smile.

He gasped when he understood, "I'm going to kill-"

"No!" Daphne grabbed his arms as he was turning towards the door, "It was shocking at first, don't hurt him! I liked it! Oh wait, I didn't mean it that way! We didn't go far, it was only a peck! Well, it lasted for more than a second-wait! I don't mean it like that either! Oh, I'm probably getting you all confused…"

Uncle Jake stared at his babbling niece. "Daphne, you guys were only supposed to talk, not make-out-"

"We didn't make out!" Daphne said exasperatedly. "It was only two seconds long!"

"Still, Daphne. Even if you know he likes you back, he has no right to take advantage-"

"Oh my muffins, Uncle Jake! He did not! That two second kiss was it! I swear, you're taking Dad's role now as my father…"

Her uncle sighed loudly. "Okay, okay. Let's leave this all behind for now. Tell me how he took it." Jake finally unclenched his fist, and fell onto the couch.

Daphne took a seat next to him, "He got angry to say the least. But he said he wasn't-couldn't break off the wedding."

"What? Why? Why couldn't he just expose what Helena did to him?"

"Because the wedding means to much to his mom. His mom has paid for taxes, and taken care of Faerie all by herself since her husband's death. Mustardseed says his mom needs support, and by support he means money from the bride's family."

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