I'm in love?

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Sarah's POV

I parked my white motorcycle in the garage and closed the door.

"I'm home!" I called out. My maids and butlers came out.

"Welcome home, Mil'lady." They only say that meaning my parents are home. I groan softly.

"Where are they?"I whispered.

"In the living room. They seem excited about something. Be careful, Sarah." My personal maid said. I nods. They like my family except they are my people. I forgot. I'm the crown princess from my world. We live like anybody would here in Townsville. Just a bit different. Since I'm adopted I don't plan on telling them. I walk into the living room seeing my parents there.

"Hi mom. Dad." I said as I sat down.

"Hey sweetie. We found something interesting and we thought you might like it." My mom said. My dad handed me a box. I open it and gasped. My crown. My crown was covered in dirt. I will have to clean it. They both work as archaeologist and business.

"Its so cool. I love it!" I said. I'm so not telling them I'm a princess and they found my crown. I lost this crown about 3 years ago.

"How was your first day at school?" My dad asked. I look up from my crown.

"It was fun. I made new friends." I said.

"That's wonderful!" My mom said. We had dinner and I went upstairs to my room. After the crown was clean. I stood in front of my floor length mirror as I put it on. The diamond glowed changing my clothes and putting my hair up in a bun with a white ribbon. I look in the mirror seeing my dress. It was an inch off the ground. I picked up the dress showing my silver heels that warps around my ankles and half way up my legs. My dress was white fading black towards the end. A sweetheart neckline with silver spaghetti sleeves and a white cloth ending at my wrist. A silver ribbon around my waist coming to a small bow side with a tiny black rose. A black choker with a silver rose design on it. It was beautiful. I took the crown off and hid it in my bag. My dress and hells disappeared and my regular clothes appeared in its place. I feel like I might need my crown someday. Ever since I met that guy, he look familiar to me. I can't remember but I can't stop thinking about him. Maybe I can asked him what his name is. I got a fuzzy feeling in my chest just thinking about him. 'His blue eyes. His messy brown hair looks so soft.' I felt my cheeks grew warm. I shook my head.

"Ah. Bad Sarah. Bad. You can't like him. I hate boys. I hate them." I took a shower and went to bed. I look out my window at the stars and the crest shape moon. 'What makes you so different than others? Just who are you?' I thought before closing my eyes. I want to remember who I really was before IT happened.

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