Kotal Kahn

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It had only been a couple of hours, (depending on the time in Outworld) but Erron and Thalia finally arrived at Kotal Kahn's palace. A magnificent structure overlooking the city, it was like a fortress to anyone.

Upon arrival, they were both immediately greeted by a figure, resembling an Aztec eagle warrior, Kotal Kahn, emperor of Outworld.

"Emperor...I found the one you're looking for."

Erron turned to Thalia who stepped forward and curtseyed to the emperor, trying to make a good impression.

"Thalia, is it?" Asked Kotal Kahn, sounding a mix of calm and serious. "Aren't you scheduled for execution."

"Yes." Thalia answered, referring to her name before adding. "And no I am not scheduled for execution. I never committed any crimes in Outworld or anything."

That was Outworld for you. Anyone that was caught breaking the law, such as petty theft, would end up being put to death. Thalia wasn't a lawbreaker or anything, she was one to obey such laws.

Kotal Kahn gave her a serious look. "Then you will be destroyed."

Thalia's eyes widened in horror but Erron stepped in front of her in a protective manner. "Ease up, Kotal. She's working for me."

But the emperor gave a stern look. " I already have one Earthrealmer under my Kourt, I don't need another one. Besides...how can we be sure she wasn't hired by that Devil, Raiden?"

Thalia gulped a little but managed to regain her composure. "I was never hired by him. The first boss I had was the owner of The Rusty Spittoon who hired me to entertain the patrons to prevent a bar brawl from happening. Please, I just had a run in with the dark empress of the Netherrealm who's planning to take you out permanently."

Kotal Kahn's eyes changed from stern to shock. "You encountered Kitana?"

Thalia nodded, referring to her first run in while she was looking for somewhere to stay. "Yes emperor. At the tavern. She and her army in the Netherrealm have plans for Outworld."

"And you managed to defeat her?" The emperor asked.

"Yes emperor." Answered Thalia, keeping her composure. "Left her choking on the fumes from my gas bomb."

Upon hearing the saloon girl's answer, Kotal's mouth contorted into an impressed smile. "Excellent...I had plans on hiring Kitana to join my Kourt...but now...she must be destroyed."

Thalia nodded again. "Yes, sir. We must stop her at all costs."

Kotal nodded. "If you manage to kill Kitana...I will allow you to join my Kourt."

Thalia kept her composure firmly. "Yes, sir. I will bring her body as proof."

Kotal nodded again. "Very good."

Thalia smiled a bit but Erron turned to her, raising a brow.

"...Are you really trying to kill something that's already dead?" The gunslinger asked before adding. "The best luck you'd have with that feat would be with Ermac...and he's just a trash bin for dead things."

"Kitana had gotten back to the Netherrealm to recover." Thalia updated. "She got away, the sooner I left the tavern."

"Well if you ask me, I say you should kill D'Vorah instead."

Thalia went pale. "You mean...that bug bitch who betrayed the emperor?" She asked, before her blood began to boil. "Ohhhh I don't trust that two faced traitoress!"

Erron nodded, agreeing with her. "My point exactly. Kill D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn will be kissing your pretty ass in no time."

"Well I am working for you and I still need somewhere to stay in Outworld, so that means better pay." Thalia mused. "It's a deal I accept."

"Then get a move on already." Ordered Erron as Kotal Kahn nodded.

Thalia nodded back and left to search for her intended target, humming softly as she left the palace. She knew that once she killed the bug woman who had betrayed the emperor and worked for Quan Chi and Shinnok, she'd get her pay and a place to stay in Outworld. It may be a place where everything wants to kill her, but she would have to get used to it, seeing as she was now free from her old low paying job at The Rusty Spittoon.

Just as Thalia left...

"You're after D'Vorah as well?" A voice asked.

"Yeah? Why'd you ask?" Thalia asked as she turned to the source of the voice.

"That whore butchered my dream of a free Edenia."

Thalia looked puzzled. "Please show yourself."

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