The Feast

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The scent of sweet roses filled the air of Outworld as Thalia was now taking a relaxing bath, the water soothing her aching muscles from all that walking, in search of D'Vorah. As she began to relax, a maid arrived.

"We heard you're gonna be working for Kotal Kahn." The maid remarked. "We'll have you settled, in no time. I'll just get these washed up for you. There's something for you to wear for tonight."

Thalia nodded, thanking the maid and laid back in the bath, the warm water soothing her senses as the roses' scent filled her nostrils.

After her bath, Thalia walked out of her bathroom, with a white towel wrapped around her and spotted something in her dressing table. A silk cloth wrapped object with a small note. Thalia picked it up and read it.

'Nothing personal about our first meeting.


Thalia looked a little puzzled at first. Erron must've left something on her dressing table while she was bathing. A small smile tugged the corners of her lips and began to unwrap the silk cloth...

Revealling to be a diamond rose pendant.

Thalia couldn't believe it as she admired the piece of jewellery that sparkled radiantly in the Outworld sun streaming through her window.

'Maybe he's not so bad after all...'

Minutes had passed before the initiation and the feast was due to begin.

"Announcing, Miss Thalia Rosethorn." The guard informed Kotal Kahn and his enforcers and the double doors opened and in stepped down the steps was Thalia, wearing a rosy pale pink off-shoulder dress with a dark pink inset, adorned with little white roses, complete with a rose carnation in her hair and the diamond rose pendant around her slender neck.

The whole Kourt were captivated by her as she walked gracefully towards the table where there was a vacant chair near Erron which she sat, with a prim composure, her rose perfume cascading in the air.

"Torr says you smell good." Ferra chirped as Torr tried to sniff her.

Thalia responded with a thankful smile as the room fell into silence as Kotal Kahn stood at the head of the table.

"Members of my Kourt." The emperor announced as he raised his arms up. "I like to declare Thalia Rosethorn, our new warrior, to fight in our will!"

Upon making the announcement, a beam of light shone over Thalia, the diamonds in her pendant sparkling as applause filled the room. The initiation process was now complete. Kotal raised his arms again as the applause ceased.

"Now let the feast begin."

The room was filled with people instantly chanting followed by music played by a band of men playing their instruments. The room had such a lively feel to it filled with music and joy as many of the emperor's servants placed many dishes of food on the table as well as plates, untensils and goblets.

"Food look yummy!" Ferra said in excitement as her's and Torr's eyes locked greedily on the delicious divine dishes.

Thalia let out a small giggle at Ferra's response. This was going to be a wonderful evening.

A couple of hours had passed during the feast and the sun in Outworld was starting to set when Kotal Kahn turned to Thalia.

"I have been told that you used to sing in a saloon in Earthrealm that Erron had visited."

Thalia's eyes widened as she nodded. She may not be working at The Rusty Spittoon any more but she still had her singing voice.

"If you would care to enlighten us with your angelic voice and dulcet tones."

Thalia nodded as everyone tunes their ears in to listen.

She stood up and kept her composure as she began to sing, her angelic voice and dulcet tones.

'Mean ol' moon

It must be fun

To shine upon me as I come undone

Till I'm all alone beneath the sun

You mean ol' moon

With your beam

You led the way

And found me love I thought was here to stay

Then you went and took my love away

You mean ol' moon'

Erron who was seated next to Thalia the whole time, turned to watch her sing as the others were enchanted by her voice.

'Oh you mean ol' stars above

The games that you play with me

I could find some happiness

If all of my nights were cloudy'

The gunslinger remembered when he first got her out of that saloon job, having taken pity on her. Where would have Thalia been without him?

'Mean ol' moon

I hope it's true

You've taken all the light that's left in you

And saving it up for you know who

You mean ol' moon

You mean ol' moon...'

"Rosy voice so pretty." Ferra drawled as if she was about to fall asleep. They adored her performance.

The feast went on until it almost struck midnight and the rhythm had died down and Kotal Kahn and his enforcers were bidding each other good night as they all went to their bedrooms to rest for the night, so now only Erron and Thalia were left.

"I'll escort you to your room." The gunslinger drawled, soon as everyone left the room.

Thalia nodded as she began to follow him though the many halls and corridors of the palace.

They were dimly lit by lanterns as they walked through, seeing as it was nighttime in Outworld until they finally stopped at her bedroom and the gunslinger opened the door for her.

"The Kahn has paid me to train you, since you're going to be fighting with us. So the maid has left you some training attire." The gunslinger drawled in his low baritone.

Thalia nodded. "Thanks. Oh and here's a little something as my gratitude.."

Upon saying that, Thalia quickly and softly, planted a soft sweet kiss on Erron's cheek before entering her bedroom to get ready to sleep for the night.

After closing the bedroom door, Erron could only stand there with his dark blue eyes widened in total surprise, notice a dusty pink lipstick mark on his cheek. He turned to leave for his bedroom, though no one could see it but underneath his mask, he sneakily smiled as he went into his own room, closing the door behind him.

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