Once Upon A Dream

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Thalia was on her knees as she looked around her surroundings; she was surrounded by red roses under a beautiful dark navy blue night sky, adorned with millions of stars sparkling like diamonds, complete with a bright shining full moon. Rose petals were everywhere, dancing in a soft warm breeze, caressing her smooth pale body which was when she noticed she was naked but her breasts were covered by her long brunette hair. She was like Lady Godiva in a way. She couldn't understand how she got here. Where was here? Not to mention, what happened to her clothes?

(You're sailing softly through the sun)

(In a broken Stone Age dawn)

(You fly so high)

(I get a strange magic)

(Oh what a strange magic)

(Oh it's a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

She stood up and continued to look in front of her. She seemed to be perfectly alone. There was no one else around for miles, meaning she was alone and unsure where she was. At least that is what she thought.

(You're walking meadows in my mind)

(Making waves across my time)

(Oh no oh no)

(I get a strange magic)

(Oh what a strange magic)

(Oh it's a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

Without warning, a strong pair of tanned tally marked arms wrapped around her from behind. They belonged to a certain cowboy mercenary. Thalia was taken aback by his sudden feeling. Her heart began beating heavily, her legs felt shaky and her breathing grew stronger.

Erron spun her around so now she was facing him. Like her, he was also completely nude and that made Thalia flush at the sight of him. His muscular chest and facial features made her swoon. He was perfect, even with the scar on him.

(Oh I'm never gonna be the same again)

(Now I've seen the way it's got to end)

(Sweet dream sweet dream)

(Strange magic)

(Oh what a strange magic)

(Oh it's a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(It's magic it's magic it's magic)

The two of them hardly said a word. They were lost in pure bliss underneath the moon and the stars and surrounded by red roses as Erron's lapis lazuli orbs gazed deeply into Thalia's chocolate coloured eyes.

(Strange magic)

(Oh what a strange magic)

(Oh it's a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

Before Thalia could even register what was going on, Erron was already cupping her chin tenderly with his trigger-happy fingers, their eyes meeting as he tilted his head and leaned in closer, as if he was about to kiss her.

(Strange magic)

(Oh what a strange magic)

(Oh it's a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(Got a strange magic)

(You know I got a strange magic)

(Yeah I got a strange magic)

(Oo-o-o-oo strange magic)


Thalia stirred in her sleep, she could feel her head slowly rose and fall. That was strange, she wasn't moving in her sleep but still her head was rising up and dropping down. She slowly and gently ran her hand and felt something that made her eyes widen in alarm.

'Huh? This isn't a mattress!'

As she opened her eyes, they widened more in total shock and alarm, finally noticing the reality. Somehow, she had fallen asleep on Erron's bare chest. She must've rolled into him accidentally during the night. Her face was so flustered but thank the Elder Gods that he hadn't woken up yet.

Thalia got out of bed quickly but quietly, making sure she didn't wake the gunslinger up. For a cowboy mercenary, he was such a heavy sleeper. She walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror above the sink.

'I thought we established the rules for the night. At least we didn't cuddle or spoon or anything.' She thought as she tried to hide her flustered face, unaware she heard a "hmm...?" sounding from the room.

Thalia nearly went pale. 'He's awake.'

"You okay?" Erron's baritone broke her trail of thought as she turned to him with her face still flustered.

"Oh..." The gunslinger smirked teasingly. "I'm guessing you've just realised where you were resting your head."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Shrieked Thalia, still flustered, pissed off and pouting.

"I'm being honest, babe. I seriously don't know how you ended up laying on me." He explained, tapping impatiently for an answer.

Thalia sighed. "I was trying to get comfortable during the night. Just a habit of mine."

"It's alright." Erron shrugged it off.

"We still have to find the real Mileena. We should meet with Reptile, Ermac, Ferra and Torr."

As if on cue, the sound of a grunt, breaking bones and a cheer sounded from outside. Thalia went to the window and saw the carnage.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Torr took out another leena clone." Answered Ferra.

"Thanks Torr." Thalia called out and Torr growled in response.

After they both got washed and dressed, they left to fetch Reptile and Ermac, passing a drunk tenant vomiting on the floor and the angry innkeeper.

"Hey! You owe me fifty coins!"

Thalia scoffed. "Just like the place I left..."

After turning in their room keys and regrouping, they heard that another clone was in Earthrealm, doing business with someone and decided to set off to find a portal. Thalia was somehow warming up to working with everyone in Outworld, especially Erron. Even if she had to put up with his cocky attitude, confidence and constant flirting.

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