Weird Feeling and New Home

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It was later in the afternoon as Thalia was on her way back to Kotal Kahn's palace. She was passing through the marketplace, with D'Vorah's remains and spotted something shiny on display and saw her reflection, like it was a mirror. Taking her lipstick out of her garter holster, a shade of dusty pink as well as some rose scented perfume and began to apply it while two guards passed her by, carrying a decapitated corpse, which turned out to be Tanya, who had been executed while she was away. Thalia shrugged it off as she finished applying her lipstick and perfume and went on her way to the palace, singing. As she was passing through...

"This must've been that Earthrealm girl's work. The one who's working for you."

It was a voice that sounded more of a snake-like hiss, that Thalia didn't seem to know. It belonged to a reptilian like humanoid with lizard-like eyes, clad in a two-piece mask and strange spiked clothing. That happened to be Reptile, a saurian, known by his real name, Syzoth.

"Hmmm...she's more competent than I had thought." Thalia recognised that low baritone that belonged to Erron.

"We never knew she could take down Goro. No one could've had the guts to murder him even after he killed the Kahn's father." Another voice, sounding ghost-like that Thalia also didn't recognise, agreed as the owner examined the carved rose wound. He happened to be wearing a red and black cloak-like outfit with a golden motif and black wrappings, showing parts of his face that looked decayed and glowing green eyes. He was Error Macro or for short, Ermac, a collection of spirits of deceased warriors.

The gunslinger crossed his arms as he remarked. "Seems like she was fuelled by her loyalty to Outworld. Otherwise she wouldn't have gone through the trouble of killing Goro in the first place."

Ermac nodded. "We agree with you."

Reptile nodded then heard what appeared to be Thalia's singing voice in the distance and caught a scent of roses.

Erron knew what this meant. "Thalia's close..."

"Such an angelic voice and dulcet tones." Ermac mused.

"I never knew she had it in her." Reptile hissed.

"Well Thalia is a singer after all." Erron shrugged and the others nodded.

Thalia looked in her reflection in another shiny object, humming in dulcet tones as she began to fix her hair whilst holding the sack containing D'Vorah's remains.

"Hmm...I smell dead Kytinn." She heard Erron from behind.

"Either that or my rose perfume." Thalia responded as she presented D'Vorah's decapitated head.

"D'Vorah's remains. She's the one who killed her." Hissed Reptile.

"No argument there." Agreed Erron as Ermac nodded.

"We shall inform the emperor about this. We'll send a carriage to bring her to the palace. She must've been through a lot." Suggested Ermac and the others nodded to him, before the collection of spirits vanished to inform Kotal Kahn.

A couple of minutes had passed until a carriage pulled up and one of Kotal's guards stepped out.

"Are you the one named Thalia Rosethorn?" He asked.

"I am." Answered Thalia.

"The Kahn is satisfied with you, seeing as you're bringing D'Vorah's remains. We have a room prepared for you when we return to the palace. We'll give the emperor the corpse."

Thalia nodded gratefully and got into the carriage and sat down, with Erron on one side of her and Reptile on the other and set off for Kotal Kahn's palace.

Of Guns and RosesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin