Training or Flirting

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Sunlight streamed through the windows of Kotal Kahn's palace, as an indication that it was a fine morning in Outworld, creeping through the gossamer curtains closed around a cosy bed in which laid a sleeping Thalia. Her long brunette hair sprawled over the pillow as the sunlight caressing her pale complexion, she was like sleeping beauty and Snow White rolled into one.

She was enjoying a rather peaceful sleep, when she didn't hear the sounds of her bedroom door opening followed by small footsteps, snickering and quiet grunting. She thought she was dreaming and was about to continue to drift off when suddenly...a small figure leapt through the curtains with a little yell and landed on Thalia, waking her up and leaving her utterly alarmed.

"Morning, Rosy!"

Thalia found herself sitting up in her bed, face to face with Ferra with Torr moving the curtains away to peek.

"Ferra!" Thalia yelled, still in shock from her awakening.

"Big bossy sent we to wake you." Informed Ferra as Torr grunted in agreement.

"I appreciate that but you didn't have to jump on me or anything." Groaned Thalia as she pulled the cord to open the curtains around her bed, before getting ready for the day.

"You also be training with bang bang." Ferra also informed her.

"I know. He told me." Thalia nodded as she disappeared into her bathroom, in order to recover from her rude awakening. She could take Erron barging into her room, like he did when they first met and when they wound up pointing their guns at each other until she accepted his offer, but being woken by Ferra, that was different.

Hours later...

Thalia was already with Erron in one of the training rooms of the palace. She was clad in a short white Greek style dress with leggings as her training attire.

"I'm taking you down, cowboy." She smirked, feeling pumped as she and the gunslinger walked in circles, their eyes locked on each other, ready for whoever makes their move first.

"You stepped in it now, Rosethorn." The mercenary drawled in his low baritone.

"You better not smudge my lipstick." Thalia warned, shooting him a warning look, getting into her fighting stance.

"That's it, Thalia. You asked for it." That retort was like a growl and a purr rolled into one.

Thalia smirked as she threw a punch but Erron's hand grabbed her wrist, a firm grip. She moved onto kick him, only for his other hand to grab her by the thigh, his dark blue orbs piercing at her chocolate brown ones, before releasing her roughly, like how a fearless matador tosses his cape during a bullfight, but Thalia was quick on her feet. She glared at Erron as a mischievous smirk playing on his features underneath his mask.

"You sleazy son of a--!" Thalia growled.

"You better watch your attitude." The gunslinger scolded in a mocking tone, before landing a punch only for Thalia to block it with her arms.

"And you better watch your back!" Thalia retorted in a sassy tone for landing a kick, only for Erron to block it.

"Well played."

Thalia smirked as the gunslinger's heavy footsteps approached her in a fast manner, like a bull charging at the matador, but she was quick as she did a big flying flip jump with a battle shriek and nailed a perfect landing.

"You're quite agile for a former saloon girl." Erron chuckled upon seeing how she dodged him.

"Charmed, I'm sure." Thalia giggled sweetly as she swiftly leapt at him and pinned him to the floor with her foot, standing over him with her hands on both her hips.

"You're not so bad, when it comes to Kombat." The gunslinger smirked. "Although there's one thing you wouldn't expect."

"And what would that be?" Asked Thalia, curiousity laced in her tone.

Upon asking that question, Thalia let out a shriek as she felt the mercenary's strong hand firmly gripped her ankle and flipped her, resulting in her landing on her back and him looming over her, their eyes meeting.

"Why you--!" Thalia growled, squirming underneath.

"It's cute how you're so mad." The gunslinger cooed/teased, smirking underneath his mask.

"You really messed with the wrong girl." Thalia hissed, about to punch him with her own fists but Erron grabbed them with one hand and pinned them above her head, keeping down while she squirmed some more.

"But it feels so right." The reply was a purr that escaped his lips through the mask, like a hot sultry wind in the desert.

Thalia kept her composure firm as possible but deep down inside, she was slowly but surely beginning to crumble due to Erron's flirtations.

A couple of hours had passed and Thalia was wiping sweat from her from training. Her muscles ached like they were before and she was nearly out of breath, her cheeks a rosy red.

"Pretty rose tired?"

Thalia turned to see Ferra who had been watching all this time. Torr was somewhere napping.

"You guessed it, Ferra." Answered Thalia. "Just gonna go in my room and sleep it off." She turned to leave for the relaxation of her bedroom to rest her weary muscles from all that kombat training but what she didn't notice was that Ferra was smirking.

"You get tired with bang bang?" She asked, cheekily.

"Why'd you ask?" Thalia arched an eyebrow.

"Ferra want know!" The little female warrior smirked.

"Yeah, we've been training." Answered Thalia monotonously.

Ferra nodded as Thalia continued to sweat from all that training, her cheeks turning extremely red.

"Ferra go leave now." She turned to leave to see Torr, but only giggled a little.

Thalia heard her giggle. "What are you giggling about?"

Ferra shrugged. "Nothing." But Thalia gave her a look, not buying her lie.


The only answer Thalia got, was the little crazy child running off, giggling all the way. She rolled her eyes and went to the comfort of her own bedroom to sleep off the fatigue from all that training.

And if training wasn't hardworking enough, there's always got to be target practices, using their revolvers as well. Thalia kept that in mind.

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