Back and forth

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Zayn flew back against the opposite wall of the corridor.  As the man – heavy-footed and suited in regulation security-guard black - passed he panted "Power cut – don't panic". A two-way radio crackled. "M'on it" he said into his hand as he walked away from Harry and Zayn.

Zayn moved slowly back towards Harry, laced his fingers into Harry's then tilted his head to resume their kissing, this time firmer and more insistent. Harry mmmed; his cock throbbed. Zayn slid his hand down over the smooth material of Harry's trousers and pressed his palm over the head, rubbing slowly. But the power cut had shaken Harry and he was remembering where they were.

"Not here."

Zayn drew back, his lips pressed together in a resigned, determined line. He reached along the wall to where a door stood and levered the handle down.

"What'r you doing? Someone's room!" Harry said, under his breath.

The door opened.

* know I gotcha....

March 2015

The soundcheck. The first one without him, Harry thought.

Niall was sat on a large amp, strumming an acoustic guitar, while Harry waited, microphone in his hand, shirt hanging loose. The tropical sun was angling through the bars at the top of the stadium, catching the side of their faces in its acid glow.

"R'you really cut up about it, then?" Niall squinted at Harry.

"What? Umm.... why d'you say that?" Harry affected distraction, looking away from Niall and over at one of the sound engineers who was gesturing to someone from the third row.

"Louis kinda told me you were, is all."

Fuck.  Louis, you little...

"Well, I guess I do pretty much hate Zayn's guts right now, if I'm honest...."

If I'm lying through my teeth.

"... but I am gonna miss him."

"Thought so." Niall put his hands on his knees, looked around. Something was wrong with the output and Dan was playing a chord which warped and screeched through the hot air. Niall grimaced. "Not juss you. We'll all miss him. Not to mention how much he's gonna miss us." He took a deep breath in and lifted the neck of the guitar up and the strap off his shoulder and over his head. He looked at Harry again.

"You know......always thought there was something between you an him......No, not like that. Like... some.... connection. I dunno. Just somethin."

Harry pulled a face. Jesus Christ.

"What are you on about, Nialler? Is that some mystical Oirish thing? You reading auras now?" Harry bluffed, wiggling his fingers at Niall's face as if he was casting a spell.

Niall turned pink, shook his head.

"Fuck off, Hazza. You can mock me all you want. I just always got the feeling he adores you, y'know. Even if he doesn't always show it. Well he used to adore you, anyways. It might have changed in the last few months."

Shit. Why was Niall so fucking perceptive? Harry's mind clutched at things to counterract what Niall was saying.

"Yeah, well if he adores me how come he's just ruined my summer – "

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