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Harry rewound the video to the beginning, this time giving it his full attention. He sat stock still as the words filtered through.

We messed around until we found

The one thing we could never ever

Live without

I'm not allowed to talk about it

But I gotta tell ya

What?? Harry rewound and listened again.

Cos we are who we are

When no one's watching

In the background the news channel was pumping images from the TV in the corner of the room. Harry vaguely remembered he had to keep an eye on it for the Billboard awards segment.

And right from the start

You know I gotcha

Harry's heart was pounding and he could feel sweat forming on his scalp. He didn't know what he was hearing but he had the vague but alarming sensation that he was in a dream where everyone was laughing at him and he didn't know why. He rewound the song and listened again.

I won't mind

even though I know you'll....

There was a low feeling in his gut. It wasn't just the words of the song – that sense that Zayn was speaking to him and him alone but somehow telling everyone - no, it wasn't just that. Later he would say it had felt like a premonition. Because - just at that moment - a familiar blonde face flashed up on the TV screen.


Harry paused the lyric video, hoping Perrie's appearance meant that the TV was showing the Billboard news he was waiting for: Little Mix had just released a new single and were up for an award too - so it was no surprise they were doing interviews. He took out one earbud and pointed the remote at the TV screen. "Damnit" he whispered to himself, as he tried in vain to work the volume button. Her Geordie accent grew louder:

"... yeah, me mam's just sooo excited.... No, no ideas about it yet.... gonna keep that a secret. Yeah, we gotta work that out.... might have two of them actually...."

Frowning, Harry put the spoon between his teeth and carefully picked up the bowl of pad thai in one hand and the laptop in the other. He turned and started walking towards the couch with the intention of sitting in front of the television to get a better view. But, as he moved forward, the laptop slipped and threatened to leave his grasp. Fumbling to prevent it falling, he accidentally grazed the mouse with his thumb and the song came on again, this time at full volume in his right ear, drowning out the bright, blank sound of Geordie coming from the TV.

And as Harry rounded the side of the couch, still struggling to keep the computer steady, he saw for the first time the banner headline which striped across the bottom of the TV screen:

Zerrie wedding date announced.

And Harry stopped, the spoon dropping from his mouth and clattering onto the floor.

In his ear the music played:

...never be mine.

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