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What's the thing you most want for your otp?

What would you sell your grandmother for (metaphorically speaking, I mean)? There is one thing we shippers all want. You might call it the shipping holy grail. Think about it. Really consider it.

Do you know what it is?

I'm willing to bet it's the same for all of us.

Now. Thought about it long enough? Really? Good. Then you know what it is. See - you're thinking the same thing I'm thinking. The thing that I was thinking about two years ago. The thing that - two years ago - I actually got.


I took out the memory stick. It was carefully hidden; folded inside a silk jewellery wrap that my flatmate Jayne gave me as a present after her trip to China. She didn't know what I kept inside the wrap, of course, and why it was there. Nobody did. Well, nobody except Valentin. And his stupid brother.

I turned the stick over and over in my hand, warming the small plastic casing; and as I did so, I thought to myself: How could something so small contain something so - potentially - huge?

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