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Hotel in Southern US - a few days later

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, man,"

Harry was pressing his wrists against an overhead bar, turning his head and fake-smiling as if he were trying to prevent someone else in the gym catching on to the fact that Zayn and he were having an argument. Zayn was shirtless, his arms hanging by his side, boxing gloves already on as he waited for the trainer.

"So who haven't you had in this band, S.A.?" Zayn hissed.

S.A. was the acronym the boys used for Harry when they were at their most incredulous, or infuriated, with him. Sex Addict. Harry had laughed at first. Now calling him that was the quickest way to annoy him.

Harry bit his lip and seemed to ignore the comment. He smiled and nodded as a middle-aged man, wiping sweat from his neck, trudged past, looking the two of them up and down in a way that suggested he had seen them somewhere before but couldn't quite remember where. (Zayn was tempted to say: "Your daughter's bedroom wall, mate", but didn't.)

"Louis and I are just friends. And even if we weren't - since when is it your business?" Harry said quietly.

"How about: since that time you had your dick in - "

"Jeez, Zayn! Swear to God, I'll walk out of this room if you say one more thing." It was Harry's turn to hiss. He stared Zayn down then looked around. There was no one else in the gym now. "It was you, dickhead. You were the one who wanted to pretend it never happened."

"And you were the one who's avoided me like the plague since that night."


"Every time we've had to share rooms or limos you've chosen .... Louis. Every opportunity on stage you've hugged Niall, not me. And every other night you've taken a girl to your bed. There's not much room for me, Styles. Despite your protestations of love."

"That's not true..."

"Really? Ok, then prove it. Tell Louis you're sharing with me tonight. Oh - and then tell him why."

Harry stared at the blue mat in front of him, unmoving. The door at the end of the room opened and a muscled thirtysomething with arms the colour of polished wood strode in. His grin seemed to take up the entire width of his face.

"Hey guys. Voss 'appenin?"

The trainer had a sense of humour; but the boys' smiles didn't reach their eyes.


Harry, London - break from tour. July 2013

"You haven't spoken much about Zoe lately, Hazkaban" Nick said, his elbow on the back of the couch and head tilted to the right and resting on his hand. He looked concerned.

"Well.... that's kind of in the past now, isn't it?" Harry said, staring into his once-in-a-while cup of coffee.

A knowing smile spread across Nick's face.

"Don't tell me there's someone else!"

Harry didn't speak for a bit.

Then he smiled and shook his head. "Nah. 'm just enjoying being single, you know. Not having any commitments. Concentrating on myself."

Nick raised his eyebrows. "Okaaay.... Any other clichés you'd like to hit me with while you're at it?? Cos I'm, like, so convinced by what you just said."

Harry fiddled with his wrist wraps. "Nah... ah'm just a bit... ah don't know. Confused, I suppose."

"I'm not surprised - with your life, babe, I'd be confused. Ooh, what country is it today? Who's this I'm boning? Which drug - am I -" Nick couldn't finish the sentence because he was laughing too much. Harry wasn't.

"Honestly. There's too much going on right now, Grimmy. We're all exhausted."

"Well I know you're exhausted. Never mind the work schedule - what's the tally? I mean, exactly how many people have you slept with this year?"

Harry smiled and shrugged.

"You're not gonna give me a straight answer, are you? Think I'll ask Niall next time I see him. He's good at keeping count."

"I'm getting better, Grimmy," Harry looked sheepish. "Actually I'm not. Think I need some kind of ... detox or something..."

Nick threw his head back laughing. "I'll put you in touch with Russell Brand, shall I?"

Harry nodded and smiled. "Rehab."

Nick tutted. "I know what it's all about, Harold. You're trying to forget one person."

Harry stared into space for a moment.


"Oh, come on. Don't feign innocence, Styles. You know exactly who I mean."

Harry shook his head, drew breath in through his mouth.

"Nah. I'm over him.

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