« chapter one »

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"Get your hands and lips off my sister!" A very angry Nate walked in on Levi and I making out which startled the both of us!


Okay so let me explain how we got here!

So to start off I'm Rhylee-Jaynne Parker. I am currently 16 years old and and I am Nate's younger sister (he is only 2 years older then me). And all of this started about a week ago....


"Hey Rhy. I'm just running down the street with Austin for a sec. Drew and Levi are still downstairs if you need anything" Nate called as he was about to leave.


I soon got hungry and decided to get food and not wanting to be rude I took some down for Drew and Levi.


"Hey guys. Just thought I'd bring down some food" I said sitting it on the table in front of the couch I soon sat in the spare spot near Levi.

"Aw you're so sweet" Levi said laughing as he took a chip from my hand that I was about to put in my mouth and eat.

"You suck Levi" I laughed at how immature he could be

"Anyway, what are you guys up to?" I asked

"Trying to find what song to cover" Drew answered

"Who have you got so far?" I asked trying to start a convocation

"All time low and Ed Sheeran" Levi said

"Do an ATL song! They're my fave band!" I said and next thing I knew they were playing the chords to the song.


"Wow! That was amazing! I need to learn that song on guitar" I admitted

"If you want I could teach you one day?" Levi winked

"That would be amazing! Thank you" I said as he smiled causing me to smile.


A couple minutes later Nate and Austin were home!

I quickly ran upstairs as soon as I heard the door but was caught by Nate.

"What were you doing!?" He asked

"Just thought I'd be nice and see if they wanted something to eat or drink. Don't worry" I put my hands up in surrender as I continued walking upstairs


I'm just gonna save you some unneeded information and skip a few days.

So I had just gotten home from a date with my boyfriend of 2 months and well let's just say we're no longer together!


Me: hey Levi is Nate with you? I think his phones dead

Leevviii: yeh he's here. I thought you were on a date?

Me: I was. I left early. Can you please ask him when he'll be home?

Leevviii: we were all gonna stay the night at Drew's. Is everything okay?

Me: not really, no.

Leevviii: if you don't mind me asking: what's wrong?

Me: I can't text it. Can you just tell Nate to come home asap. It doesn't matter if you boys come I just need him here.

Leevviii: sure. We're on our way. We'll be 5 minutes.


About 5 minutes later I heard the door open downstairs and in came the boys.

They all got to my room as fast as possible and didn't even bother to knock!


"What's wrong? And how the heck did you get that black eye?" Nate was the first one to get to my bed and comfort me.

"I was at Michael's as we were just going to spend the night watching movies when he starts to whisper stuff in my ear. I wasn't paying much attention to what he said but he then tried to pressure me into having sex with him and after I refused numerous times he started punching me and kicking me to the ground. That went on for at most 10 minutes, until his sister came home and walked in. She helped me and drove me here" I said struggling to talk properly

"When I'm done with him he's gonna wish he never laid a hand in you!" Nate said and I could tell he was angry and Nate doesn't get angry!

"Nate. Please just leave it. You'll get hurt" I got out.

"I don't care! He hurt you I'm not just gonna sit around and act like everything's okay" he yelled softly but it was still enough to hurt my head.

"I'm sorry. Where did he hurt you exactly?" He apologized as he saw he hurt my head.

"He punched my throat so I sound like a old person, my eye which is why my head hurts and he kicked my ribs numerous times which is why I'm hunched like this!" I explain

"I promise us guys will do anything you want until you get better" Austin smiled.

"In that case will you guys stay in here and watch a movie with me?" I asked


We were all in my bed under the covers and I was sitting right in between Levi and Nate!


"Why do you even like this movie? It's so cheesy" Levi commented as we were watching If I Stay.

"It's so romantic. I love cheesy romance movies. When I was younger I use to dream of having a relationship like the ones in the movies" I admitted

"Why don't you still?" Austin asked

"I've grown up and realized there's no such thing as a perfect relationship like the ones in the movies. That's kinda why I love them a lot though. They remind me of when I was a kid" I explained.

"A girl as sweet and awesome as you are deserves a fairytale relationship. Trust me Rhy" Levi said and I felt butterflies.


I know it's not at all right but I think I do have a tiny crush on Levi. He gets me though. He's such an easy guy to talk to cause we both love a lot of the same music and we just connect with one another. I know he'll never feel the same way towards me but I guess that's a good sign since he is my brothers mate. It'd be weird wouldn't it?

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now