« chapter two »

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"Are you two right here alone?" Nate asked as he was about to leave

"Yeh. We'll be fine" I said

"Okay then. I'll be back later" he walked out the door.


It was currently just levi and I at home as my family were all on a holiday since it was summer break but Nate didn't go because the band and I didn't go because, despite the fact it was holidays, I'm in a film and photography holiday class from my school. I dropped out of regular school a few months before summer break since I got a scholarship into one of the best film and photography schools in the state. Since I started fairly late, as they wanted to give me a trial first, I decided I'd continue with the holiday school to catch up. Anyway that's why I couldn't go, I had school.


Levi and I got a little distracted from playing guitar and were currently throwing lollies at each other to see who could catch them in their mouth.

It wasn't long until someone got hurt and that someone was levi.

I accidentally threw a lollie at his eye and we are currently in tears laughing!


"Are you okay?" I said in between laughs

"Yeh I'm fine thanks. I will get you back though" he said laughing also.


We decided to go back to guitar which I loved a little bit more as levi was sat right behind me with his arms over mine and his hands holding mine, helping me control my hands.


It took about 40 minutes until I picked it all up and had the whole song memorized and not wanting levi to leave just yet I turned around and faced him on the couch

"How can I repay you for helping me?" I asked him

"You don't have to do anything for me. Don't worry" he said

"But I want to. Cmon isn't there anything I can do to repay you?" I asked

"I could use some advise if your up to it?" He said

"Sure! What is it?" I asked

"So there's this girl I like" he started and I felt my heart break. I had a huge crush on him but he has a crush on some girl who's probably a billion times prettier and thousands of times better!

"I really really like her but I don't know if she loves me back or if she just sees me as a friend? What do I do?" He asked

"Make a move! If she loves you back I hope you two are really good together but if she doesn't love you back then that's her lose. You're an amazing person. So tell me about this lucky girl" I tried to push the jealousy away and be positive

"Oh god where to start? She's an absolute beauty! She is so creative and talented and she's so much fun to mess around with. We joke around all the time. Oh and she has the voice like an angel. I could listen to her talk for days on end" he said obviously lovestruck!

"Then why are you still here? Go make a move" I smiled trying to be happy for him


We were standing at the door him just outside and me still inside.

"Thanks for your advise" he smiled

"Anytime. I'll always be here for you. You gotta tell me if she has a brain and say yes to being you're girlfriend" I smiled

"Oh trust me I will" he smiled back soon leaving.


It hadn't even been 2 minutes before the door bell rang and honestly I was a little confused as to who it was

"Levi? What are you doing?" I asked confused since he just left

"Something I've wanted to for so long" he said and the next thing I know, our lips are connected

I felt butterflies going crazy in my stomach!!

The kiss was soon cut off and Levi and I were both left with smiles on our faces.

"So Rhylee, what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" He said quietly as our faces were centimeters apart.

"I'd love to Levi" I whispered before our lips were connected again.


"What do we tell Nate?" I asked levi as we were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I know you two have a super close bond but do you mind if we keep this quiet for a while? He's still not over Michael and all that. Plus he'd kill me!" Levi laughed

"Yeh I was thinking that also" I said smiling

"Why do you keep smiling?" Levi laughed at me

"Cause I'm happy" I laughed back

"I've never seen you this happy" he put an arm around my shoulders

"I'm just so glad that I can call myself your girlfriend. That's all" I laid my head on his shoulder

"What? Are you serious? I'm the one making you so happy? Wow. That's so cool. I'm glad that I get to call myself you boyfriend" I said

"We've been friends for 1 and a half years and in that time you've always made me feel happy, even in the early days when we use to talk through YouTube messages when I found you account" I admitted

"I miss those days where we use to try and plan to meet up together but the struggle of living a long way from each other stopped that" he laughed


We had been talking and being real boring so I'll skip that but right now levi and I were dancing around the room being complete dorks whilst bring me the horizon played in the background.


Next thing I knew he stopped dancing and pulled me close and our lips soon connected.


"Get your hands and lips off my sister!" A very angry Nate walked in on Levi and I making out which startled the both of us!

"One of you care to explain?" He asked

"She was dying. That was CPR. Well you seem better now. Bye" Levi left obviously scared of Nate which didn't surprise me. He got quite scary when he was angry.

"Rhylee?" He asked and I wasn't gonna cop it alone so I ignored what just happened.

"I love you Nate but please can we just wait until tomorrow?" I asked walking upstairs soon turning around and seeing him sit on the couch with his head in his hands.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now