« chapter three »

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"Hey Rhylee. Are you coming to rehearsal today?" Nate asked

"Yeh I don't see why not" I sighed.


So far Nate hasn't said anything about last night. Well he didn't until we got into the car!!


"Care to tell me what's happening between you two?" He asked as as we were almost at the venue the boys were rehearsing at.

"I'm not going to say much since I think levi should be here also but it only started yesterday and I swear we were gonna tell you we were just going to give it a few days before we knew if we actually wanted to be together" I made up the part about us telling Nate.

"Mm sure. Okay. I'm still gonna kill him" he said under his breath.

not gonna lie, I was kinda annoyed at him since he couldn't just give it up and accept us together!


Nate and Levi were currently running around the venue as Nate wanted to kill levi!!

"Who's gonna win?" Austin asked

"Defiantly Nate! He's super angry!" Drew said

"True true. But Levi is good at fighting for what he wants" Austin said

"Oh yeah! I don't know anymore. What do you think Rhy?" Drew asked

"I don't know?" I slumped

"Cmon little one! You gotta know. Your brother or your boyfriend" Austin nudged me as he said boyfriend.

"I don't really wanna give an answer" I said

"Aw why? What's wrong?" They asked

"It's not fair to. I love levi so much and right now I'm really angry/annoyed at Nate. It's just not fair to choose right now" I told them

"It's okay. I'm sure everything will settle itself down" drew comforted me

"Yeh I don't think so" Austin pointed to Nate and Levi who were having a yelling contest now!


I ended up going over there!

"Will you two please stop yelling at each other! Yes Nate, you have the right to be angry at Levi and I. I get it! Why can't you just give us a chance?!" I yelled

"Cause you're my little sister and he's my best friend! If you fight or break up its going to make everything 100x harder! Don't you see it's more then just the fact you're my baby sister and I love you" Nate said

"I promise the relationship between us will not interfere with the band. Trust me" Levi said

"I don't care. I don't want you two together" Nate stood by his opinion

"So you're just gonna make us break up?" I asked and he nodded

"Fine then. Can you just leave us to talk for a second at least?" I asked and he left.


"I love you" Levi smiled

"I love you too" I said as he hugged me

"We've got this. Even if we have to sneak around Nate. I'll do anything for you" Levi smiled

"You're so sweet. I just cannot believe Nate right now! It's none of his business. Call me when you get home please?" I asked

"Of corse I will Rhy. So this is the end of us publicly?" He asked

"I guess so" I said and we soon walked back to the other boys


"Happy now?" I glared at Nate

"I'm sorry. Don't be all shitty at me" he said

"Oh I'm sorry, it's not like you just forced me to break up with the one guy I actually had feelings for!" I snapped

"Surely I'm not the only one who thinks it's better for the band if you're not together" Nate said and both drew and Austin took his side!

"I'll be home later!" I grabbed my phone and stormed out.


I honestly couldn't believe all of them right now!

I understand that they're looking out for the band but what about my happiness?

Nate knows I suffer, he's the only one who knows, yet he doesn't care about me finally being happy!

Despite the fact levi and I would still be having a hidden relationship I was beyond annoyed at Nate for making us 'break up'. I just hated it!!!


One I got out of the venue I checked my phone to see levi just messaged me.

Levi 💕: are you okay sweetheart?

Me: yeh , I guess. I just don't wanna a secret relationship. I want the world to know about us :(

Levi 💕: same. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters

Me: you're more cheesy then pizza

Levi 💕: if we're comparing each other to pizzas then: you're more perfect looking then pizza 😘

Me: weird comparison but still the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. Xxx ily 😘

Levi 💕: ily more princess 😘 I'll call you once we're done. About to start now.


I ended up going home later on and saw all the guys sitting in the living room.

"Why are Yous always over here?" I asked and I entered

"Because no parents mean we can do what ever we want" Nate said

"And when you say that you mean you can make the biggest mess ever then leave it there for me to clean up like always" I said 100% done with Nate

"Stop being mad at me. Please" he begged

"I don't think I can forgive you yet" I muttered walking upstairs


I had been sitting on my bed reading a book when I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Drew" he replied

"You may enter" called out as he opened the door

"Are you okay?" He asked. He really was my second brother which was super sweet.

"I guess" I sighed

"I'm sorry for taking Nate's side earlier. You know how he is when he's angry. Austin and I just wanted to avoid a fight between the band so we took his side. Sorry if it hurt you" he said

"Don't worry about it. I understand. I just don't understand why Nate can't back the fuck off and let me live my life for once!" I raised my voice a little bit.

"Rhy. Calm down. If you really wanna still see levi then do it. Just make sure Nate doesn't find out" he said and I looked down at the ground

"Lemme guess: you and Levi are already dating behind his back?" Drew asked

"Yeh. And we'd like to keep it that way. Please don't tell anyone!" I begged

"I promise" he smiled.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now