« chapter nineteen »

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I ended up getting into Ohio at 8:35AM and straight away called Levi while waiting for mum.

"Hey princess. Did you get to Ohio safely?" He asked

"Yeh nothing bad happened. I'm just really tired and miss you like crazy" I said

"I miss you too" he said as mum showed up

"Levi I have to go since mum is here with Christian and Maddie but I'll call you later" I told him

"Okay sweetheart. I'll talk to you later. I love you" he said

"I love you too boo bear" I said hanging up


"I'm sorry" mum said as soon as I got in the car

"Don't be sorry" I told her

"I forced you to go on tour and called you stupid. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" she said

"Don't apologize. Seriously" I told her and the rest of the trip was spent in silence, except the faint music playing from the radio.


Turns out mum booked an appointment with the therapist that afternoon which I was nervous as fuck about


I got dressed in some jeans, one of Levi's band shirts which he left here, then threw on some vans, a flannel and a beanie and left.


"So tell me about yourself" the therapist said

"What's there to say" I said not knowing where to begin

"Tell me about your school and friends" she said

"I dropped out of regular school and currently go to a very selective photography and videography school and honestly I have no proper friends who go there with me. I mean I have people I get along with and hangout with but outside of school we don't even talk" I told her

"What about other friends?" She asked

"I have three friends who aren't apart of my family. And they're my brothers friends" I told her

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean there's Levi who has been my friend for years and is now my boyfriend and then there's Austin and drew who are like my brothers but it just so happens that they're in a band with my brother" I explained

"Your boyfriend? Tell me more about you and him" she said

"We're almost the same person. We love almost all of the same stuff and we get along super well. We met online when I came across one of his YouTube videos and said that we should make one together some day.
We talked for ages about meeting up but before moving to Ohio he lived in Pensilvania so we could never meet. Anyway he's the sweetest person ever. He's always there for me" I stopped

"So you really love him?" She asked

"More then you can imagine" I admitted

"Now tell me about your family"

"Where to begin. I'm not at all close to my dad. He lives with us but we can honestly go months over months not talking to each other. Then there's mum. She has her over protective moments and gets annoyed at me and all but most of the time she's the best. Then Christian, my eldest brother. He lives in California with his girlfriend so we never really speak or see each other. Then Nate, my older brother. He's the best person ever. He's helped me so much. He got me the best job ever and hes basically the closest thing to a father figure that I've got. Finally Madison. My older twin sister. She's my best friend. I love her to bits and we've done everything together" I said

"So your dad gets along with the others?" She asked as I nodded

"And what's the longest time period you've ever gone without speaking?"

"I don't know about 6 months" I said

"And that doesn't bother you?" She asked

"Not really"

"Why don't you two talk? What happened?" She questioned getting ready to write stuff down

"You're the first person I've ever told this to apart from him but when I was about 6-7 dad told me that one day if grow up and meet the man of my life so I told him that gender didn't matter in a relationship and that I didn't need a man specifically. He didn't like my choice and told me I was stupid and just a kid who knew nothing. We ended up fighting over it and we've barely talked for the past 9-10 years which is a long time" I told her

"So just to clarify what is your sexuality?" She asked

"I don't really know. I mean I've dated both genders but I just ... I don't know" I told her

"And what did your dad say when he found out you were dating a female?" She questioned

"Nothing because he didn't know. Non of my family knew. The only relationships they've known about are ones with guys" I said


The appointment had finally ended and all she did was get to know me.


I decided I'd call Levi while waiting for mum to come pick me up

"Hey princess. How was the appointment?" He asked

"Scary. That's how it was" I told him

"How was it scary?"

"Cmon you know that I hate expressing how I feel to people. And with therapists they need to know every detail of your life so she knows some stuff that literally no one else knows about me" I told him

"It may be hard for you to express how you're feeling but just remember you're going to feel so much better by the end" he said

"I know I know. And I honestly cannot wait until that day" I exclaimed

"If hate to leave you but we have to go on stage in 10. I'll call you later though. I love you princess" he said

"Okay I'll talk to you later. I love you too" I smiled.


"What was that grin for?" Mum asked smiling as I got into the car

"I just got off the phone to Levi" I smiled

"What did you talk about that made you so happy?"

"Just the way he ends the call. He always says 'I love you princess' and it's the cutest thing ever" I told her

"You two are so cute together" mum said

"Thanks. I just wished he was here with me right now instead of being in the uk" I sighed

"Aw Rhylee. The boys are going to be home mid November. You get to spend his birthday and thanksgiving together" mum advised me

"I know but I just. I don't want to be going through all this alone! I mean of course I've got you and Maddie but I need my best friends. I need my boyfriend. But mostly I need my brother!" I told her

"I'm sure time will go by fast. You'll see them within no time"

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now