« chapter six »

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It was the first week of tour and I already wanted to go home!

I didn't want to be around levi for another second!


"Hey Rhy did you wanna come out with us to get some food?" Nate asked

"No thanks. I wanna stay here" I said

"Is it okay if Austin stays with you also?" He asked and I nodded. I just really needed someone.


"Austin are you busy?" I asked him walking into the back room of the tour bus

"Oh my god. No I'm not. What's wrong Rhylee?" He asked getting up asap after seeing me standing at the door with red puffy eyes

"It's levi" I told him

"What happened?" He said down with me

"He's been cheating on me" I got out

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes I'm sure. I saw the pictures online and asked him about it and all he said was 'don't worry. It's non of your business' as bitter as he could" I said

"And you're still with him?" He asked

"I don't know. We haven't talked since Tuesday when he told me it was non of my business" I said ((it's now Thursday))

"Oh Rhylee. You deserve someone better then him anyway" Austin said

"But I love him" I cried

"I know you do. You need to ask him about it again and if he is cheating please break up with him. He's not worth it" Austin said

"What's so bad about me that would make him cheat?" I asked

"Nothing. You're perfect. It's his fault. He clearly doesn't deserve someone as good as you. You have to tell Nate though" he said

"But knowing Nate he'll kill Levi. I promised him our relationship won't interfere with the band and even though he doesn't know we're together I still wanna stick by that" I cried

"It's okay Rhylee. I'm sure it'll all work out" he hugged me as I cried in his shoulder.


I managed to calm myself down and played some video games with Austin.

"Would you mind telling drew. He's like my brother and I want him to know but I don't wanna explain it again?" I asked

"Of corse. Anything for you!" He said


It wasn't long until Levi, Drew and Nate came back from getting everyone food and honestly I just wanted to get out of the room as I knew I'd cry just looking at Levi but I knew questions would be asked and I didn't want to put up with them.


"Did you wanna come with us when we go out to the venue before sound check?" Nate asked handing me my food and sitting next to me

"Not really" I looked down

"But I thought you were super psyched to meet Bradley for the first time" he asked

"I'm just not in the mood today" I laid my head on his shoulder

"What's wrong? You've been real sad the past few days" he said

"Nothing. I'm fine. I'm just really tired" I said almost crying as I felt Austins hand on my shoulder.

"Rhylee. You know you can always come to me right?" He asked and I nodded

"I know. And I'm really grateful for that" I said.


The guys all left and it was just levi and I in the back room.


"Can I talk to you?" I asked him

"As long as it's not about those pictures" he said

"So you are cheating on me?" I asked

"No one said that" he commented

"Well you're not talking to me about it so what else am I meant to believe?" I asked

"Please, Princess, just leave it alone" he said

"No. I want the truth! I don't wanna be in a relationship full of lies" I raised my voice

"Technically I did but let me explain" he said

"No! There's nothing else to explain. You cheated, that's it. End of story" I cried

"Rhylee. Please princess let me explain" he begged

"No. Levi. I loved you. I trusted you. I went behind my own brothers back to be with you and this is what I get in return? I'm not your 'princess' anymore" I said

"Rhylee. I love you please don't do this" he said

"I'm not going to fall for your lies again" I yelled and the other three ran in

"What's wrong?" Nate asked me as levi stormed out

"I never want to see him again!" I cried sitting on the couch

"What did he do?" Nate asked

"I don't really wanna talk about it right now if you don't mind. I just really need my brother" I hugged him crying.


I ended up going to the show since I was a supportive sister and I honestly just wanted to be at home!


"No Nate. I don't want to meet them I look like shit" I tried to fight Nate but he had me over his shoulder and carried me in there.


"Guys. This is my beautiful little sister Rhylee that I told you about" Nate dropped me onto the couch the vamps were on

"Nate! I told you I wasn't in the mood" I said

"I don't care. Have fun. Oh and she's off limits so don't even think about making a move" Nate said to the boys

"Trust us, if she's anything like you, you don't have to worry" Brad joked


"Why didn't you want to meet us? Nate said you were dying to the other day?"

"Trust me I'm dying on the inside but my boyfriend and I just got into a huge fight and well were no longer together so I'm not really in the mood to do anything" I told them

"Awe that sucks. I'm sure you'll find someone better" they comforted me

"Thanks, but I don't want someone better. I want him. But he obviously doesn't want me" I looked down

"What did he do?"

"Cheated on me then tried to dodge any questions I asked him about it" I told them

"It's okay. Some guys are just complete douches"

"I know but he's not usually. He's normally so sweet and caring and he's just a giant child but all of a sudden he decided to cheat on me" I had to stop myself from crying.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now