« chapter eight »

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"Of course I care that much about you" Nate came from nowhere

"How much of this did you hear?" I questioned

"That's not important right now. Can I just ask how much do you love levi?"

"A lot!" I simply said

"And how much do you love this idiot?" He asked levi

"Words honestly cannot explain" he answered putting an arm around my shoulder

"If you two really want to then date each other. But if you break her heart even for a minute, consider yourself dead" Nate said

"Soooo. Rhylee. What do you say? Will you go out with me?" Levi awkwardly asked

"Of corse I will levi" I said and before I knew it our lips were connected.

"Awwww" we heard drew and Austin say as they had the bus window open

"Last time I checked we were alone! What happened to that?" I laughed at everyone


The boys were all in the back playing video games and after talking to Madison I joined them.


It was kinda nice that Nate decided to give levi and I a chance.


I sat in the spare spot next to levi and drew which caused Nate to give me a questioned look but I brushed it off and watched the guys be nerds!


"Yass!! Losers! I win again! Haha" Levi said overly excited as he won at a game of Mario carts

"barely" Austin said as he was 0.2 seconds behind Levi

"I'm waiting" Levi said to me

"For what? A life? You're gonna be waiting a while" I joked

"Ha.ha.ha. Very funny. But I was talking about my victory kiss" he smirked

"In your dreams" I smirked

"Cmon just kiss the poor boy" drew laughed and I looked at Nate

"Just kiss him. He's desperate" Nate joked so I did as they all wanted

"You're a good kisser" he shyly said once our lips separated

"I could say the same to you" I said soon laying my head on his shoulder.


I continued to watch the boys muck around which was quite entertaining until Levi noticed something.

"Uh Rhylee, I know it's not my business but what are they ?" He quietly asked looking at my wrist

"Nothing levi. Don't worry" I told him as I saw Nate look over

'Are you okay' he mouthed

'Yeh I'll be fine' I mouthed back


I honestly felt terrible not being able to tell Levi. I can think of numerous reasons why I should tell him including the obvious
1) he's my boyfriend
2) he could help me through this
3) we did just promise no more secrets in our relationship!!!!

But even though I knew he'd understand and he could help me but there was one reason why I couldn't tell him, well two, but one main reason
1) despite the fact I knew he'd understand and help me I was scared he'd leave me because of it.
2) I knew I'd cry telling him about it and I hate crying in front of people, especially the guy I'm dating !!


"Uh guys it's getting quite late. I think I'm gonna head to bed" I said to them

"Goodnight princess" Levi whispered kissing my cheek

"Goodnight boo" I smiled as I stood up

"Night little one" Drew and Austin said

"Hey. Can I talk to you first?" Nate asked and I nodded


"You do know you've got to tell him, right?" Nate asked as we walked into where the bunks were

"I know. I'm just really scared to" I admitted

"Scared of what? Scared he'll do whatever it takes to help you and make you feel better?" He asked

"I know he'll try to help me but for some reason I feel like if I tell him he'll think I'm stupid and break up with me" I told him

"Why would he do that? He's head over heels for you rhy. There's no way he'd break up with you over something this small" Nate smiled

"I know I'm just really paranoid. He didn't see them, he just saw the bandage above my hand" I said

"I think you should tell him soon but that's just my opinion" Nate raised an eyebrow

"I know. I'll try to tell him tomorrow" I faked a smile

"you should get some sleep. You look a little tired" Nate said

"Goodnight Nate" I smiled hugging him

"Night Rhy. Sleep well" he hugged me back.


I loved the relationship between Nate and I. It was weird though. He's more my friend then my brother which is really weird tbh. But you know what, I'm not complaining because it brought Levi and I closer then we originally were.

I was absolutely terrified as to what I'd tell him about the scars and fresh wounds on my wrists.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now