« chapter twenty »

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It had been a while since I'd come home from tour and the boys were coming home in a week!!!

They were landing in Ohio on the 16th and leaving again on the 28th.


"Cmon Rhy. You only have 2 more appointments before the boys come home then you have non until they're gone" mum said as I didn't want to go to the therapist

"Why can't they be home now?" I complained

"You know that if they had the choice they'd be home right now just to see how you're going" mum said as we got in the car

"I know but they're the only friends I've got. That sounds really stupid since they're Nate's friends but they are. Think about it though, I haven't been out anywhere since I've come home and I only talk to you, the therapist and Madison in person. If they were here I'd go out with them and talk to them and do whatever!" I told her

"Look I know you're feeling really bad and you just want them home. I promise time will go by super fast and when they come home you can go out and do whatever you want with them. And it's not stupid that they're Nate's friends and also yours. It's kinda cute. It shows how close you and Nate are" she said


After the therapist I did what I always do on the car ride home and called Levi.


"Hey princess" he said overly excited

"Hey boo. How are you?" I asked

"Extremely tired how about you?" He asked

"Terrible but I'm getting better" I told him

"No don't say that. Say that you're feeling 100% better and you can come back on tour with us this December" he said with a tad of sadness in his voice

"I wish I could say that. But sadly I think it's going to be quite a while until I'm better. But seeing your face next week is going to make me feel slightly more better" I smiled

"I cannot wait to see you! I wish the 18th would hurry up!!" He said.


"Are you going to tell them about what happened the other week?" Madison asked as we were talking in her room

"I don't want to but I think I have to" I told her

"No you don't have to. Only do it if you feel comfortable enough to" she said

"Thanks Maddie but I think I at least need to tell Nate" I said

"Yeh but don't feel as though you need to tell Levi just because you two are dating. Only tell him if you want to" she smiled

"You're an amazing sister. Thank you" I smiled hugging her


Not gonna lie all night I was up thinking about what the boys would say if and when I tell them what happened.


It was about 11 and mum was taking Maddie and I out to the mall.

I desperately needed to get Levi something for his birthday as I'd already gotten something for Logan and the 21st was coming up fast so I figured I'd tag along with mum and Maddie who were already going to the mall.


We were in hot topic looking at all their band merch.

"We're not here to buy you stuff Rhylee" mum laughed at me as I wanted to buy everything for myself

"I know but if I buy Levi clothes that I also really like then I can borrow them off him" I laughed


I ended up buying him about 5 or 6 band tees and the VANs he has been looking at buying for a few months.


"Instead of buying him $200 worth of clothes you could've brought him tickets to see the bands" mum said sarcastically


Now that we had finished in the 2 shops I wanted to go into we went into the billion that Maddie wanted to go into.


We ended up spending about 2 hours looking around just for Madison alone.


As soon as we got home I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I just wanted to lock myself in my room and watch anime so that's exactly what I did.

It's kinda weird how one minute I'll feel happy and want to go out and be social then the next I don't even want to talk to anyone little loan go downstairs.


Since Christian was home and didn't really understand what was happening he walked in my room and started asking me questions.


"Hey who's this Levi guy I've heard you're dating?" He asked

"He's in a band with Nate" I simply said

"Yeh but why him?" Christian asked

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"You could have any guy you want. I'm not saying Levi isn't a good person I just want to know why you chose him? Why did he stand out the most among all the other guys in the world?"

"I don't know. We're just so much alike and he's the sweetest person ever. I'm sure by the time you leave you'll understand why I love him so much" I told him

"I'm glad you're happy with him. Unlike the dickhead you use to date. I hope you know that if Levi hurts you then call me and I'll be home ASAP" Christian made me laugh

"I'm being serious. I care about you too much to let him get away with anything" he said

"You're an amazing brother. Thank you" I smiled.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now