« chapter thirteen »

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We were currently walking back to my house where the boys were all going to meet up for band prac and Levi was about to face my mums boyfriend questionnaire, as she calls it.

"You look cute when you're nervous" I smiled looking up at him

"You look cute no matter what" he copied what I was doing


We finally got to my house and I could tell Levi was more nervous now that we were actually here.

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked him

"Ya know. I just love you a lot and knowing me I'll mess something up and we won't be able to be together" he looked down at the ground

"What? You won't mess anything up I'm sure of it. I love you too by the way" I said

"That's the thing though. Your mum would be like 'are you only dating her for sex' and I'll be like 'uh. No. Um I mean. You know. Yes'. It'd be the simplest thing and I'll somehow manage to mess everything up" he said

"Aww Levi don't say that about yourself. I'll be right next to you. Besides I'm sure you'll do fine" I said.


Levi went downstairs with the other boys and I went upstairs to find Madison.


"What do you mean?" I heard Madison on the phone and she sounded annoyed

"You really think I'm going to accept your pity apology?" She said

"No. Stop! You cheated I'm not going to forgive you. We're over" she said as her voice cracked sounding like she was about to cry so I walked in

"Are you okay?" I asked as she turned around and hugged me soon bursting into tears.


"Cmon lets just go downstairs, watch the boys rehearse and forget about that dickhead" I said.


"What's wrong?" Drew asked Madison

"I just broke up with my boyfriend because he cheated" she answered him as Nate and Austin went over to her and I went over to Levi.

"So mums gonna be home in 15. You ready" I teased him knowing he was nervous asf

"You know I'm not" he said

"You look really cute when you're nervous" I hugged him


Mum was finally home and Levi and I were up in my room since Nate, Austin and Drew all went out with Madison to help make her feel better.


"What is on your face?" Mum asked Levi as she sat on my desk chair

"Rhylee was practicing makeup" he said as his face had bronzer, eyeshadow, eyeliner and blush on it.


It wasn't long until mum started questioning Levi and the whole time he wouldn't let go of my hand which I found super cute.


"Would you do anything to ensure that Rhylee is happy?" Mum asked

"Well I am covered in makeup at the moment so yes" Levi said

"Okay now probably the most cheesiest question but how much do you love her" mum asked and immediately Levi smiled

"Words honestly cannot express how much I love her" he looked at me

"Whys that?" Mum questioned

"She's just so fun and nice and pretty. Everything about her is perfect and there's so much to love about her and I really do love her so much that words cannot express how I feel. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true" he couldn't stop smiling as he looked to the ground

"It's obvious that you two love each other and with what you've just told me I know that you're gonna take good care of her. I'll let you two be together on one condition; you never sneak around me to be together! Sneak around Nate all you want but please don't sneak around me. I want to know if you're going to his place or if he's coming here and when you go out on little dates and stuff I'd like to know" she said

"Of course" we said

"Well in that case. You two are perfect for each other" mum said.


Since everyone left us we didn't really know what to do so we ended up watching a movie, which isn't much of a surprise.


It was really nice that we were 100% official. I mean not everyone has accepted us but that really doesn't matter to me to be honest.

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now