« chapter twelve »

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"Where do you think you're going?" Mum asked as I was about to walk out of the door

"To my boyfriends" I spat

"You're grounded, get back in that room" she said so I did as she pleased.


If you haven't noticed already mum and I disagree a lot. I mean we love each other but sometimes we'll disagree on something and all hell will break loose.


I knew she'd never let me see Levi since I'm 'grounded' but we all knew that wouldn't stop me.

Since there was a tree right next to my window I climbed down the tree and continued going to Levi's.


"Rhylee!!" He said overly excited attacking me into a hug before I could even reach the door

"Hey Levi" I smiled hugging him back

"Are you okay?"

"No. I hate fighting with my mum and honestly she doesn't even know I'm here" I looked down

"What do you mean?" He questioned

"I tried to leave but she said I was grounded so I couldn't come but I kinda snuck out of the house by climbing down that tree at my room window" I looked him in the eyes

"You are aware that she's gonna kill you when you get home right?"

"I know. I just really didn't wanna be in that house with everyone yelling at each other" I told him

"Cmon you've had a big day lets go in and we'll do whatever you want" he took my hand as we walked in


We ended up versing each other in guitar hero which honestly was the best thing ever.


"Why are you so bad?" Levi joked around as I was loosing

"In my defense I haven't played with this new guitar yet" I smiled

"You're making it really hard to let you win when you're this bad" he laughed


After mucking around a bit we decided that we were going to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag and upload it to my YouTube channel as our way of coming public.


"Okay this is by far the scariest thing I have ever posted and ahhh I'm so nervous" I said to Levi as he was setting up the camera

"It's recording doofus" he said

"What? But I dunno what I'm gonna say. I can't think straight" I honestly said

"It's going to be fine darling. Take your time" Levi hugged me

"I just wanna cry" I said into his chest

"Just breath Rhy" he said brushing some hair off my face

"Okay. I think I got this" I breathed


After many attempts I finally got it.


"Hey guys so today I'm going to do a video with someone, which I don't normally do, and that someone just so happens to be my boyfriend" I smiled as Levi came into the frame and sat with me.


"Okay soooo the last question is who said I love you first and when did they say it?" I read out the question

"It was a day after we started dating. Nate told us we had to break up and I had a feeling we wouldn't get back together and I wanted you to know how I felt about you so I just said I Love You and gladly you said it back" he smiled

"Of course I'd say it back I mean we've been friends for over a year and most of that time I had a major crush on you" I admitted


After making the video Levi helped me edit and upload it !


The response towards the video was full of many emotions.


I decided to go onto my fan insta and I saw that Maddison uploaded a picture of Levi and I kissing from the video with the caption
'Finally Rhyleevi is official!!! I've been waiting for this day for a little while and honestly I'm so glad that they're happy together! You can't deny that they look super cute!! Btw I'm probably gonna post quite a bit of Rhyleevi so if you don't like that or you're going to comment hate towards them then please just unfollow now'

Honestly that comment she wrote made me feel so much better about this whole thing.


"Are you okay?" Levi asked me

"What? Uh. Yeh. I'm fine" I stuttered

"Cmon talk to me" he said

"They don't want us together" I looked down

"Who cares what they want. I want to be with you and, I'm hoping, that you want to be with me. We don't need to worry about their opinions to be happy" Levi held onto my hand

"I know but I mean it kinda hurts though" I admitted

"Look princess. They can say all they want but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what anyone says! This relationship is between you and I and its not the place for others to say we should stay together or breakup" Levi tried to make me feel better

"Yeh I guess you're right" I faked a smile

"Cmon it's obviously still going to bother you so let's do something that'll take your mind off it. You choose" he said and next thing I knew we were playing video games


We were in the middle of a game in cod when my phone started ringing so Levi paused the game and I answered my phone.

As it was only mum I put it on loudspeaker.

"Where are you?" She asked

"At Levi's" I admitted

"I never said you could go"

"I know but please don't be mad" I said

"Look. I'm not mad. Nate talked to me and after hearing what he had to say I was going to come up and tell you that you could go but you had already gone" mum said

"Also Levi be prepared. you're getting the boyfriend questionnaire tomorrow" mum said

"Oh yay. I can't wait" he said sarcastically.


The rest of the night was literally full of movies, food and cuddling and to be honest there was nothing I loved more then being wrapped in Levi's arms. It was the most perfect thing ever. He would pull me as close as possible and it was just perfect!

I'm In Love With My Brother's Best Friend ⇻ Levi Jones The Tide Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now