💗 Aurora x Cumulus - Flirt

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The moment Cumulus saw Aurora, she was a little stunned. She found the new ghoulette utterly adorable, not to mention how pretty she was. It was always a little difficult for newly summoned ghouls to get used to the ministry, to the human world and especially to a new pack. And Cumulus, the sweet mom she was, would obviously make sure Aurora would be welcomed just fine. When Aurora stood in the living room, awkwardly standing around and not knowing what to do, the air ghoulette got up and walked over to her. She wore a kind smile, approaching her carefully. "Hey there. Aurora, right?" she asked. The new ghoulette studied her for a moment. She was still a little overwhelmed and scared of certain things, but Cumulus' calm demeanor somewhat calmed her down.

"Yeah, that's right" she confirmed, and Cumulus nodded with a smile. "I'm Cumulus. Don't mind the others. It's a little hard to welcome a new ghoul or ghoulette into a pack. Especially because of... well, what happened to your predecessor" she said, choosing her words carefully. She didn't want Aurora to think she had any fault, because she definitely didn't. Aurora lowered her head with a thick swallow. She had heard about it. "It's not your fault. Give them a little time. In the mean time, would you like me to show you around a little, maybe?" the air ghoulette then suggested, hoping for a positive response. She liked Aurora already, despite not knowing her at all. And she'd loved to get to know her for real, to become her friend.

Aurora sighed, straightened up a little and tried to shake off the guilt. She tried to not to give herself the fault, but she couldn't always help it. "I'd like that. Thank you, Cumulus" she said with a gentle smile, noticing how the other ghoulette seemingly relaxed slightly. "No worries, love. Come with me" The nickname rolled off her tongue with ease. She was one to use nicknames a lot, and everyone was used to it by now. They didn't think any of it. Aurora on the other hand, still new and still not used to any of this here, was surprised. She could feel her eyes widen and her cheeks flushing a little, thinking Cumulus' had actually just flirted now.

The air ghoulette noticed, and she couldn't help but let out a giggle. She found the reaction cute, especially because there was no real meaning behind the word. But seeing her now like this, made her want to use more nicknames, and with a meaning. She couldn't help but feel a pull towards her, despite not even knowing her. And this reaction just made her want to flirt with her and use various kinds of nicknames. "Everything okay?" Aurora nodded quickly, trying to brush it off. "Y- yeah, everything's fine..." she mumbled back, lowering her head a little to hide the soft blush on her cheeks. "Good. Don't mind telling me though, if there is anything that bothers you. I want you to feel alright here in the ministry" Cumulus held back using another nickname already, but she planned using more pretty soon.

Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, the air ghoulette lead Aurora out of the room and into the hallway. The multi ghoulette had seen some of the ministry as she was brought into the living room from the summoning room, but now she took her time looking around and taking everything in. The ministry was a beautiful building, with lots of things to see after all. Cumulus showed her various kinds of places. The basement where the ghouls lived, then a few of the other places like the summoning chamber again, the library, the Papa's office and that sort of stuff. The tour ended when they reached the ghoul's quarters. 

"And this will be your room" Cumulus said and stopped in front of a door that was still empty. All the other ones had a name engraved in it. "Your name will be there soon... want to have a look around?" she then asked and already placed a hand on the door handle. Aurora smiled, nodding. Over the past hour they had walked around the ministry, she had talked a lot with Cumulus, and she really liked her already. Out of everyone, she had figured before that this ghoulette was probably the nicest, or at least the most open one. And their long walk and chat had just confirmed that.

Taking the nod as answer enough, Cumulus opened the door, revealing a decent sized bedroom. "The rooms all look pretty similar. You have basically everything you need in here" she explained as she walked in, "A bed, a wardrobe. Here you have your own bathroom. But as you can see it's still a little empty. You can decorate it however you want, so if you want to go shopping or something sometime... just tell me" she continued and turned to look at Aurora with a smile. The new ghoulette still seemed a little overwhelmed. She had never had her own room before, not in the pit. And this was just the most amazing thing she had ever seen. Cumulus smiled as she saw her expression. The bright smile and the light in her eyes warmed her heart on many different levels.

"I suppose you want to rest a little bit, hm?" she then said and took a step closer. Aurora finally stopped looking around, and looked back to the ghoulette in front of her. "Yeah... I'm pretty exhausted after all that. Being summoned, meeting a bunch of new ghouls and all that is pretty tiring" she replied with a sheepish smile as she shifted a little on her feet. "I totally get it. I'll leave you alone for now. But if you ever need anything, or... anything else, just come and talk to me" Cumulus answered with a smile and gently rubbed Aurora's arm. Aurora's smile widened, and she felt a slight tingly sensation in her arm. "And if you want to, we can have a little walk around the gardens tomorrow. They're beautiful" she continued before she walked over to the door.

"Sure, I'd like that" Aurora replied with a smile, reaching her hand up to touch the place on her arm where Cumulus had touched her. "So it's a date, darling?" the air ghoulette asked, her smile turning into a sly grin. Aurora's cheeks immediately went red, and for a moment she just stood there awkwardly. "Y- yes... I- I mean, if you'd like that..." she stuttered out, not knowing how to deal with the flirting at all. "It doesn't have to be. Don't worry" Cumulus answered with a soft laugh, trying to lighten the mood in order to make it less uncomfortable for Aurora. "No no... it's fine. A date sounds nice" Aurora replied, trying to reassure her a little. "Alright. A date tomorrow then. I'm looking forward to it, love" the other replied, before winking at her and leaving.


The next morning was pretty exciting for Aurora. While she was obviously excited for her new life at the ministry, she was even more excited for her little date with Cumulus. The time seemed to go by awfully slowly, and yet at the same time, it was noon already. At 12pm sharp, she walked outside and waited just at the door. She felt her heart beat a little faster, her cheeks a little flushed, but she was happy. Happy and excited. Not much later Cumulus arrived too, and she gave Aurora a short hug. "Hello there, gorgeous" she greeted. Aurora let out a slightly nervous giggle. "Hey" she mumbled and nodded. They both wore wide grins as the slowly started to walk on a small path through flower beds. "The gardens are beautiful, I have to show you all of it. Mountain is doing a really good job at keeping it in check" Cumulus said as they walked.

It turned out that Aurora didn't have to be that nervous at all. They had a nice walk through the gardens, their arms intertwined as they chatted time away. They never seemed to get to a loss of words, always knowing something to talk about. Cumulus couldn't keep herself from flirting and using nicknames, she simply found Aurora's reaction and blush too cute. But the multi ghoulette didn't care. She liked the attention and their dynamic, even if it had just been a day. They both knew that this would hopefully develop to something beautiful.


(1409 words)

(requested by @Lefu1306 <3)

I hope you liked this, and I somehow managed to write what was requested. I think I said before that I'm not good at like dialogue things but I tried with this one 🛐

- Luma

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