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My eyes widened as a low whispered escaped from my lips. "Jungkook?" My eyes roam around his body, he was drenched all drenched because of the rain. His abs visible through his t-shirt, the sight of them making your breath catch in your throat.

He took another step coming inside the bedroom, Closing the distance between them, his body inches away from her "I told you to get back here early because I was not there, why you didn't listen to me?"  

"I had something important to take care of" Her voice low and firm "I couldn't just come back here  whenever you wanted me to" His hands Balling into fists, his anger growing with each Passing moment "Had something important, what was it? Meeting to mingyu?" His voice sent chilling breeze to me, i gluped hard at his words.

"You really have no idea, do you?" Jungkook spoke his eyes met mine, i suddenly felt shivering at his stare the door shut close as he continue to say "Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when you don't obey me?" His voice was sharp, "Obeying you? I haven't told you to protect me?" She backfired him, he raised his eyebrows.

"Talking back huh?" He replied sharply, "You know you're not supposed to be out, I'm your bodyguard, it's my job to keep you safe" He took a step closer, closing the distance between them.

He spoke softly "Y/n, Do whatever you want to do, But make sure that you're safe don't put yourself in danger situations got it?"

"I was with Mingyu!!" She replied coldy. He heard her words, and the mention of Mingyu sent a pang of jealousy through him, suddenly his expression become neutral.

He took a step back , putting some distance between her and him and trying to regain his composure. He took a deep breath, willing to act professional and not let his emotions get the better of him.

He clenched his jaw, trying to keep his emotions in check. He couldn't show her how much she was affecting him, "You were with Mingyu, did you even care to call me or atleast message me?" He spoke sharply, his voice filled with frustration and anger, he couldn't stand the thought of her being with someone else, especially Mingyu, what else can be more worst? When he already know what he did in past, to get y/n.

Did she Forget everything, what Mingyu did to her? How can she forgets, or how can she even forgive him. I swear to god if was in her place I would have cut him in the pieces. 

He clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing as he continued, "You just disappeared, and I had no idea where you were or what you were doing. Do you have any idea how worried I was? How frustrated and angry I was not knowing where you were or what was going on?"

His frustration was building, and he let it show in his voice. "And you were with Mingyu, of all people. Do you have any idea how much that pisses me off? He's not good enough for you, he won't protect you like I can. You shouldn't be with him."

She fumed in anger, her hands balled up in fists "Who are you even to order me to whom I should be or not, Bodyguard? You've no idea how fucking much i hate you" She lets out her frustration and anger.

He was getting more and more worked up, his emotions taking over. "You should be with me. I'm the one who cares about you, the one who protects you. I'm the one that's always here for you. You don't need him, you need me."

"And for what guarantee you are saying, what it you betrayed me!!" She yelled at his face, a harsh one which made his heart clenched in pain. "Are you going to protect me for the life time? No you won't!!"

"Now just get out!!" She crossed his arms over her chest. He felt a pang of hurt and disappointment at her words, but he tried to mask it with anger. "Fine" he said, his voice cold and flat. "If that's what you want, I'll get out. But if you need something just come to me"

He turned around and started walking towards the door, his heart heavy with feelings of frustration and anger.

He reached the door, his hand on the doorknob. He paused for a moment, hoping that she would stop him, that she would say something to make him stay. But when she didn't, he opened the door and walked out, shutting it behind him with a slam.

He walked away from the room, his steps heavy and his heart filled with a mixture of anger, disappointment, and hurt. He made his way to his room, his mind spinning with thoughts of her and the words they had just exchanged.

He opened the door and entered, shutting the door firmly behind him. He leaned against the door, letting out the deep sigh as he tried to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling inside him.

He leaned his head back against the door, his eyes shut tight as he tried to calm himself down. His mind was a jumble of thoughts and emotions, all centered around her. He felt anger and frustration, but also a deep sense of yearning and desire. He knew he shouldn't feel this way, he knew he was just her bodyguard, but he couldn't help the feelings that were consuming him.

He took off his wet shirt and threw it onto the bed, feeling the coolness of the air against his skin. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, trying to clear his mind, but it was futile. He couldn't shake the images and thoughts of her that were swirling through his mind.

"Why she's becoming careless day by day?" He said to himself aloud. His voice filled with frustration and worry. He shook his head, feeling a wave of protectiveness wash over him. "I need to keep a closer eye on her," he told himself, his mind already formulating plans in his head. "I can't let her put herself in danger like this. I can't let anything happen to her."

"She doesn't know the real side of Mingyu yet" he spoke loud again.  "She doesn't know what kind of person Mingyu really is. If she did, she would never have gotten involved with him. He's not good enough for her"

He clenched his fists, his thoughts consumed with anger and worry. "I have to find a way to convince her to break things off with Mingyu. I have to show her that he's not good enough for her, that he doesn't deserve her"

He walked over to the table where the drinks were kept, his steps quick and purposeful. He poured himself a glass of whiskey, downing it in a single gulp. He poured himself another glass, hoping that the alcohol would help to dull the pain and frustration that were tearing at him inside.

He took a sip of the whiskey, feeling the burning liquid slide down his throat. He closed his eyes, letting the alcohol ease his tension and quiet his thoughts. But even as he drank, his mind kept returning to thoughts of her of being with Mingyu, and it was like a knife to his heart.

He dug his phone out of his pocket and dialled Jimin's number, bringing the phone up to his ear. Jimin picked up the phone, his voice casual and relaxed. "Hey, jungkook, Whats up?" he said.

"I need some information about Mingyu asap" he spoke, as jimin spoke a slight hint of confusion was in his voice" Mingyu? Why do you need information about him?"

"Just do what I'm saying, jimin don't question me" he yelled and tossed the phone onto his bed, irritation and tension still coursing through him.


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